Trimestral in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

trimestral = quarterly. 

Example: Microcomputers is a quarterly publication from Elsevier which lists available applications programs.


» actualización trimestralquarterly update [Actualización que se recibe de modo trimestral al estar suscrito a una publicación periódica] .

Example: Limit your search to the latest quarterly update, or to a specific language or document type.

» informe trimestralquarterly report .

Example: Katherine suggests sending ticklers to grantees before quarterly reports are due.

» publicación trimestralquarterly publication .

Example: The former monthly publications on statistics of eggs, meat and milk have been amalgamated since 1980 into a quarterly publication, 'Animal Production'.

Trimestral synonyms

every quarter in spanish: cada cuarto, pronunciation: evɜrikwɔrtɜr part of speech: adverb
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