Trillado in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

trillado, lo = tired, the ; worn, the. 

Example: It thrives on ambiguity, irony, paradox, which bring the disparate and hitherto unconnected into relationship, revealing new shades of meaning, or refreshing the worn, the tired, the cliched.Example: It thrives on ambiguity, irony, paradox, which bring the disparate and hitherto unconnected into relationship, revealing new shades of meaning, or refreshing the worn, the tired, the cliched.

trillado = well trodden ; hackneyed ; well-worn ; well-tread ; overused [over-used] ; overworked ; stale ; timeworn ; trite ; corny ; hoary . 

Example: Like Theseus in the Labyrinth we need to be able to follow well trodden pathways through hypermedia materials and re-track our journey along an imaginary thread when we get lost.Example: It is the order of words that helps us to distinguish between 'office post' and 'post office' or, to quote the hackneyed example, 'blind Venetian' and 'Venetian blind'.Example: To use a well-worn example, the string (2) physiotherapy (6) nurses $h for (6) bibliographies obviously represents a different sense from the similar string (2) physiotherapy (6) bibliographies (6) nurses $h for.Example: All the contributions provide well-articulated, fresh insights, even on well-tread subjects.Example: Sustainable agriculture has become a very over-used concept.Example: User-friendliness is a much overworked phrase which has been interpreted in different ways by software houses.Example: We librarians are already infiltrators into the stale round of our readers' domestic daily life.Example: This is in stark contrast to the warped logic and timeworn language to which Lebanon's rulers resorted in the wake of the tragedy.Example: At the risk of sounding trite and a bit naive, I'd like to remind this group that the ISBD was also called, not for the cataloger's benefit, but as an international tool of bibliographic description.Example: The film does not take any big risks or veer far from formula or expectations and at times it gets rather hokey and corny.Example: I know this is a rather hoary topic, but I am going to mention it again.


» camino trilladobeaten roadworn path .

Example: He then came across a beaten road, where he saw many tracks of human feet, and some of cows, but most of horses.

Example: Where are the worn paths that take us to the important address on the Web?.

» frase muy trilladahackneyed phrase .

Example: Use of hackneyed phrases shows a certain amount of laziness, an absence of creativity, and a general lack of awareness of how to communicate clearly.

» fuera de los caminos trilladosoff the beaten path .

Example: The best garden nurseries are almost always off the beaten path.

» idea muy trilladahackneyed idea .

Example: Instead of challenging gender stereotypes, the book's maligners say it digs deeper into the hackneyed idea that women are subservient to men.

» palabra muy trilladahackneyed word .

Example: I know those are hackneyed words, especially when used to describe yet another brilliant singer.

» trillado, lotired, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo]worn, the [Expresión usualmente acompañada del artículo] .

Example: It thrives on ambiguity, irony, paradox, which bring the disparate and hitherto unconnected into relationship, revealing new shades of meaning, or refreshing the worn, the tired, the cliched.

Example: It thrives on ambiguity, irony, paradox, which bring the disparate and hitherto unconnected into relationship, revealing new shades of meaning, or refreshing the worn, the tired, the cliched.

» volver sobre lo trilladogo over + the same ground .

Example: When you worry, you go over the same ground endlessly and come out the same place you started.

trillar = thresh ; thrash. 

Example: With a flail, one man could thresh 7 bushels of wheat, 8 of rye, 15 of barley, 18 of oats, or 20 of buckwheat in a day.Example: They also had two steam engines and two thrashing machines to thrash grain for the farmers in the fall.

Trillado synonyms

stock in spanish: valores, pronunciation: stɑk part of speech: noun banal in spanish: banal, pronunciation: bənɑl part of speech: adjective tired in spanish: cansado, pronunciation: taɪɜrd part of speech: adjective hackneyed in spanish: trillado, pronunciation: hæknid part of speech: adjective commonplace in spanish: vulgar, pronunciation: kɑmənpleɪs part of speech: adjective, noun threadbare in spanish: raído, pronunciation: θredber part of speech: adjective timeworn in spanish: deteriorado por el tiempo, pronunciation: taɪmwɜrn part of speech: adjective shopworn in spanish: trasnochado, pronunciation: ʃɑpwɔrn part of speech: adjective well-worn in spanish: bien gastado, pronunciation: welwɜrn part of speech: adjective unoriginal in spanish: poco original, pronunciation: ənɜrɪdʒənəl part of speech: adjective
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