Trigo in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

trigo = wheat. 

Example: For example, wheat is just one kind of species of the genus cereals.


» germen de trigowheatgerm .

Example: Samples of almond, groundnut, hazelnut, macademia, safflower, wheatgerm and virgin olive oil obtained from retail outlets in England and Wales were analysed.

» grano de trigograin of wheatwheat kernel .

Example: Children too exhausted even to wave the flies off their faces, and men and women in rags scrabbling in the dirt for grains of wheat.

Example: Wheat bran constitutes 15% of most whole-grain wheat kernels but is virtually non-existent in refined wheat flour.

» harina de trigowheat flour .

Example: Wheat bran constitutes 15% of most whole-grain wheat kernels but is virtually non-existent in refined wheat flour.

» pan de trigowheat bread .

Example: Rye bread may be a better choice than wheat bread for persons with diabetes.

» recogida del triglowheat harvest .

Example: Australia's early wheat harvest appears to have avoided significant damage from rains.

» salvado de trigowheat bran .

Example: Wheat bran constitutes 15% of most whole-grain wheat kernels but is virtually non-existent in refined wheat flour.

» sémola de trigowheat semolina .

Example: Pastas and noodles are made from wheat semolina, water, and other ingredients such as flour, corn, rice, eggs, and spices.

» sin trigowheat-free  .

Example: A complete protein and fantastic wheat-free alternative, the demand for quinoa has risen sharply in recent years.

» trigo durumdurum wheat .

Example: Semolina, made from the finest durum wheat, is commonly used to make pasta, but it also makes a magnificent loaf of bread.

» trigo rubiónbuckwheat .

Example: With a flail, one man could thresh 7 bushels of wheat, 8 of rye, 15 of barley, 18 of oats, or 20 of buckwheat in a day.

» trigo sarracenobuckwheat .

Example: With a flail, one man could thresh 7 bushels of wheat, 8 of rye, 15 of barley, 18 of oats, or 20 of buckwheat in a day.

» zona de cultivo del trigowheatbelt .

Example: This article describes a knowledge based geographic information system for the broad scale mapping of dryland salinity in the Western Australian wheatbelt.

» zona de producción de trigowheatbelt .

Example: This article describes a knowledge based geographic information system for the broad scale mapping of dryland salinity in the Western Australian wheatbelt.

Trigo synonyms

corn in spanish: maíz, pronunciation: kɔrn part of speech: noun wheat berry in spanish: grano de trigo, pronunciation: witberi part of speech: noun
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