Tributario in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

tributario = tax-based. 

Example: This approach should be refined and combined with a CV survey method focused on tax-based valuations of the library as a whole.


» deducción tributariatax breakincome tax break .

Example: We help companies with to take advantage of applicable tax breaks and incentives.

Example: Losing property due to a casualty, i.e. fire, flood, hurricane, or theft is devastating, but some casualty or theft losses can be recouped through income tax breaks on your tax return.

» desgravación tributariatax abatement .

Example: Tax abatement is one of the primary incentives available to local government to promote economic development.

» exención tributariatax breakincome tax break .

Example: We help companies with to take advantage of applicable tax breaks and incentives.

Example: Losing property due to a casualty, i.e. fire, flood, hurricane, or theft is devastating, but some casualty or theft losses can be recouped through income tax breaks on your tax return.

» extracto tributariotax statementincome tax statement .

Example: Most tax statements are mailed by January 31 of each year to university employees, students, vendors, and annuitants.

Example: Artists can claim these donations as charitable deductions on their income tax statements.

» legislación tributariatax law .

Example: These expert systems are constructed to help lawyers and law students in various legal areas such as contracts, torts, and tax law = Estos sistemas de expertos se crean para ayudar a abogados y a estudiantes de derecho en varios temas legales como, por ejemplo, contratos, agravios y legislación tributaria.

» ley tributariatax bill .

Example: Every time the monarch came to parliament to pass a new tax bill, the parliament obliged only after exacting more liberty from him.

» reducción tributariatax reduction .

Example: Respondents were asked to specify the amount of taxes they would be willing to pay for those programs and services and the amount of tax reduction they would expect if a program or service were eliminated = Los encuestados debían especificar la cantidad de dinero que estarían dispuestos a pagar de sus impuestos por esos programas y servicios y la reducción tributaria que esperarían recibir si se eliminase algún programa o servicio.

» régimen tributario, eltax system, the .

Example: A town councillor has been charged with swindling the tax system out of almost a quarter of a million pounds by illegally selling duty-free alcohol.

» sistema tributario, eltax system, the .

Example: A town councillor has been charged with swindling the tax system out of almost a quarter of a million pounds by illegally selling duty-free alcohol.

» ventaja tributariatax advantage .

Example: While donation might not sound attractive, you have to consider the tax advantages of giving an automobile.

Tributario synonyms

assess in spanish: evaluar, pronunciation: əses part of speech: verb task in spanish: tarea, pronunciation: tæsk part of speech: noun taxation in spanish: impuestos, pronunciation: tækseɪʃən part of speech: noun revenue enhancement in spanish: mejora de ingresos, pronunciation: revənuenhænsmənt part of speech: noun
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