Tributar in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures



» tributar homenajedo + obeisancepay + obeisancepay + tributepay + homagemake + obeisance .

Example: And it was so, that when any man came nigh to him to do him obeisance, he put forth his hand, and took him, and kissed him.

Example: The incident should serve as an eye-opener to those who have no qualms paying obeisance to various religious seers during their official visits.

Example: This event was held to celebrate the 61st birthday of Professor Kaula and pay tribute to his contribution to the library profession.

Example: Some autors pay homage to Bradford by citing 'Documentation' without really considering its significance to the subject in hand.

Example: They are making obeisance to something that it is obvious they do not comprehend.

Tributar synonyms

protection in spanish: proteccion, pronunciation: prətekʃən part of speech: noun testimonial in spanish: testimonial, pronunciation: testəmoʊniəl part of speech: noun
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