Tribunal in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

tribunal = court ; tribunal ; court of law. 

Example: However, as a sub-class of 343, Criminal law, we require the entry courts : Criminal 343.19.Example: Look, for example, at UDC class 343.19 'Criminal courts and tribunals'.Example: The author considers the factors affecting the admissibility of records on optical discs as evidence in courts of law.


» acusar de desacato al tribunalhold in + contempt of court .

Example: An individual found to engage in dilatory tactics may be held in contempt of court.

» ante los tribunalesin courton trial .

Example: Several researches have already addressed the pros and cons of child participation in court, as well as the possible solutions to these problems.

Example: 'Library practice on trial' is an account of the presentation of evidence from library practice in an historic damages case.

» caso + ir + a los tribunalescase + go to court .

Example: Once the case went to court, my ex and I were both called to take the stand and state our cases.

» comparecencia ante el tribunalcourt appearance .

Example: If the listed charges are waivable, you may elect to waive the court appearance by paying the indicated fine.

» comparecer ante los tribunalesappear in + court .

Example: If you are appearing in court, you should dress nicely and in a manner that shows respect for the court.

» desacato al tribunalcontempt of court .

Example: A legal link was found between the 18th-century populist radical John Wilkes and the sensationalist tabloid neswpaper, the Sunday Sport, in the summary procedure for dealing with constructive contempts of court.

» en los tribunalesin court .

Example: Several researches have already addressed the pros and cons of child participation in court, as well as the possible solutions to these problems.

» jefatura del tribunal supremochief justiceship .

Example: But it is a fact that since Marshall's time only a certified madman would resign the chief justiceship to become governor, let me say.

» juez de tribunal de distritodistrict court judge .

Example: The district court judge issued a temporary restraining order barring the defendants' illegal business practices and freezing their assets.

» llevar ante/a los tribunalestake + Nombre + to courttake + Nombre + before a courttake + Nombre + to the tribunalbring + Nombre + before a court .

Example: Many school districts have adopted a hard-line approach to reducing unexcused absenteeism; in one such district, truancy rates were reduced 45 percent when truants and their parents were taken to court.

Example: Legislation dating back almost 300 years declares gambling debts are classed as a debt of honour and cannot be taken before a court.

Example: This will put the wind up her as you could take them to the tribunal for this kind of behaviour and win.

Example: Prison numbers are reaching breaking point and the lack of prison cells means many offenders are not being brought before court.

» llevar el caso a los tribunalestake + the case to court .

Example: A black woman who refused to give up her seat on a bus and was brutally attacked and thrown off has since decided to take the case to court.

» los tribunalesthe Bench .

Example: Reliance on court libraries is futile as the libraries are already overstretched by the needs of the Bench.

» presidenta de tribunalcommittee chairwoman .

Example: Committees will consist of a committee chairwoman, to handle all
administrative duties, and as many committee members as necessary.

» presidente del tribunalpresiding judge .

Example: Handing down sentence, the presiding judge said he had decided not to give Stone a life term on the grounds that his actions had not resulted in any serious injury.

» presidente del tribunal supremochief justice .

Example: In meeting this responsibility, the chief justices shall receive the advice and cooperation of all persons and bodies interested in the administration of justice.

» presidente de tribunalcommittee chairmancommittee chairperson .

Example: In her 13 years in the Senate, she was the first woman to preside over a session of that body and the first to serve as a committee chairman.

Example: This training course is designed specifically for all committee chairpersons, regardless of experience.

» sala del tribunalcourtroom .

Example: Industry standards are increasingly used in courtrooms as proof that manufacturers comply with nationally accepted rules for the quality of their products.

» tribunal criminalcriminal tribunal .

Example: Finally, the work of the United Nation's criminal tribunals has led to the greater protection of innocent civilians in war.

» tribunal de alzadacourt of appealappeal(s) court .

Example: The Court of Justice of the European Communities is a court of appeal composed of eleven independent judges assisted by five advocates-general to ensure that in the interpretation and application of the treaties the law is observed.

Example: He was convicted of laundering money but it turns out that his informant was unreliable and the case is taken to an appeals court.

» tribunal de apelacionescourt of appealappeal(s) court .

Example: The Court of Justice of the European Communities is a court of appeal composed of eleven independent judges assisted by five advocates-general to ensure that in the interpretation and application of the treaties the law is observed.

Example: He was convicted of laundering money but it turns out that his informant was unreliable and the case is taken to an appeals court.

» Tribunal de Defensa de la CompetenciaOffice of Fair Trade .

Example: After due diligence, tax and regulatory processes, the recent approval of the Office of Fair Trade in the United Kingdom has made completion possible.

» tribunal de defensa de tesisthesis defence committee .

Example: A proposal of the dissertation research must be presented to and approved by the thesis defense committee.

» tribunal de defensa de tesis doctoralPhD dissertation defence committeedoctoral dissertation defence committeePhD thesis defence committeedoctoral thesis defence committee .

Example: The PhD Dissertation Defense Committee is comprised of the dissertation advisor and a minimum of four other graduate faculty members.

Example: The doctoral dissertation defense committeeº is comprised of a minimum of four and a maximum of seven members.

Example: It is customary that this committee will meet once a year to discuss the candidate's progress, and will form the PhD thesis defense committee.

Example: I would also like to thank all examiners from my doctoral thesis defence committee for their invaluable comments.

» tribunal de distritodistrict court .

Example: The district court concluded that plaintiffs had failed to adduce competent proof that the amount in controversy in this suit exceeded $50000.

» tribunal de guerracourt martial .

Example: Jeremy Sivits, 24, a reservist with the military police, is to face a public court martial in Baghdad on charges of cruelty and abuse, and dereliction of duty for failing to protect the inmates.

» tribunal de justiciacriminal courtcourt of justicelaw courtcourt of law .

Example: The verbal display in the schedules might lead to the A/Z index entry criminal courts 343.19.

Example: The court of justice of the European Communities is a court of appeal composed of eleven independent judges assisted by five advocates-general to ensure that in the interpretation and application of the treaties the law is observed.

Example: The scope of copyright protection for computer programs has proved to be a vexing issue for the law courts.

Example: The author considers the factors affecting the admissibility of records on optical discs as evidence in courts of law.

» tribunal de menoresjuvenile courtminors' court .

Example: However, while methods and procedures for designing and implementing such a system are well known, there is still a lack of utilization among many juvenile courts.

Example: In order to speed up the administration of justice seven new minors' courts have been set up in different regions of the country.

» tribunal de tesisthesis defence committeedissertation defence committee .

Example: A proposal of the dissertation research must be presented to and approved by the thesis defense committee.

Example: At the end of your coursework, you will be required to complete a dissertation, which will be defended before a Dissertation Defense Committee.

» tribunal de tesis doctoraldoctoral dissertation defence committeePhD dissertation defence committeePhD thesis defence committeedoctoral thesis defence committee .

Example: The doctoral dissertation defense committeeº is comprised of a minimum of four and a maximum of seven members.

Example: The PhD Dissertation Defense Committee is comprised of the dissertation advisor and a minimum of four other graduate faculty members.

Example: It is customary that this committee will meet once a year to discuss the candidate's progress, and will form the PhD thesis defense committee.

Example: I would also like to thank all examiners from my doctoral thesis defence committee for their invaluable comments.

» tribunal examinadorexamining boardexamining committee .

Example: Teachers might mark exams themselves, rather than simply sending tests to the examining board.

Example: The examining committee normally consists of professors from the university and sometimes, an external examiner.

» tribunal federalfederal court .

Example: As one element in the effort to desegregate public institutions of higher education, US federal courts have mandated the upgrading of libraries at historically black universities.

» tribunal internacionalinternational tribunal .

Example: Furthermore, the facts they denied had been clearly been established by an international tribunal.

» tribunal laboralindustrial tribunal .

Example: He then attempted to take his employers to an industrial tribunal for wrongful dismissal.

» tribunal militarmilitary tribunal .

Example: Unlawful combatants are likewise subject to capture and detention, but in addition they are subject to trial by military tribunals.

» Tribunal Supremo, elSupreme Court, theHigh Court, the .

Example: The infants sat solemn as the Supreme Court pronounced judgment = Los niños se sentaron solemnes mientras que el Tribunal Supremo dictaba sentencia.

Example: Sexual misconduct in schools is a problem that has gained increasing attention, from the headlines to the High Court, in the last decade.

Tribunal synonyms

solicit in spanish: solicitar, pronunciation: səlɪsɪt part of speech: verb homage in spanish: homenaje, pronunciation: ɑmədʒ part of speech: noun woo in spanish: cortejar, pronunciation: wu part of speech: verb romance in spanish: romance, pronunciation: roʊmæns part of speech: noun tribunal in spanish: tribunal, pronunciation: trəbjunəl part of speech: noun courtyard in spanish: patio, pronunciation: kɔrtjɑrd part of speech: noun motel in spanish: motel, pronunciation: moʊtel part of speech: noun judicature in spanish: judicatura, pronunciation: dʒudɪkətʃɜr part of speech: noun courtroom in spanish: sala de justicia, pronunciation: kɔrtrum part of speech: noun motor lodge in spanish: alojamiento de motor, pronunciation: moʊtɜrlɑdʒ part of speech: noun motor inn in spanish: posada de motor, pronunciation: moʊtɜrɪn part of speech: noun motor hotel in spanish: hotel de motor, pronunciation: moʊtɜrhoʊtel part of speech: noun tourist court in spanish: corte de turismo, pronunciation: tʊrəstkɔrt part of speech: noun
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