Tribuna in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

tribuna = rostrum ; grandstand. 

Example: These institutes brought together some of the most influential people in the field to discuss -- and sometimes spiritedly debate from the rostrum and from the audience -- the current and traditional issues involved in cataloging.Example: The main grandstand runs along one side of the field and seats about 1000.


» asiento de tribunagrandstand seat .

Example: All grandstand seats must be reserved in advance.

» billete de tribunagrandstand ticket .

Example: Grandstand tickets for Saturday and Sunday will still need to be purchased ahead of time.

» tribuna de prensa, lapress box, the .

Example: The league president shall appoint an official scorer who shall observe the game from a position in the press box.

Tribuna synonyms

covered stand in spanish: soporte cubierto, pronunciation: kʌvɜrdstænd part of speech: noun
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