Tribu in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

tribu = tribe ; tribal nation. 

Example: Librarians, like anthropologists, are recognizably and self-consciously members of one single tribe.Example: Still another library has made arrangements with nearby Native American tribal nations to donate its weeded materials.


» jefe de la tributribal chief .

Example: Divine law comes direct from God, usually with priests or tribal chief or king as intermediary.

» miembro de una tributribesman [Plural tribesmen] .

Example: A security official said that Yemeni warplanes have killed 80 anti-government tribesmen who overran part of a military camp.

» tribu indiaIndian tribe .

Example: The legal theory of this case must come from the ratified treaties, statutes, and case law defining the relationship of the United States and the Indian tribes.

Tribu synonyms

kin in spanish: parentesco, pronunciation: kɪn part of speech: noun folk in spanish: gente, pronunciation: foʊk part of speech: noun clan in spanish: clan, pronunciation: klæn part of speech: noun kindred in spanish: parientes, pronunciation: kɪndrɪd part of speech: adjective, noun kin group in spanish: grupo de parentesco, pronunciation: kɪngrup part of speech: noun kinship group in spanish: grupo de parentesco, pronunciation: kɪnʃɪpgrup part of speech: noun federation of tribes in spanish: federación de tribus, pronunciation: fedɜreɪʃənʌvtraɪbz part of speech: noun
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