Trenzado in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

trenzado = plaited ; wreathed ; twisted ; woven. 

Example: Give your room a stylish look by making plaited tie-backs for your curtains.Example: A geometrical staircase with hand-carved wreathed handrail is at the heart of many of the UK's most prestigious buildings.Example: Crests were originally worn on the helmet during tournaments; they consisted of a panache of feathers attached to a wreath made of twisted strands, which was itself attached to the helmet by means of laces or rivets.Example: Viking houses were often one room homes with a cooking fire in the middle and the walls were made of wattle (woven sticks, covered with mud to keep out the wind and rain).


» caña trenzadawattle .

Example: Viking houses were often one room homes with a cooking fire in the middle and the walls were made of wattle (woven sticks, covered with mud to keep out the wind and rain).

» par trenzadotwisted pair [Aplicado a las líneas telefónicas] .

Example: This article makes a comparison of the transmission media of twisted pair, baseband cable, broadband cable and fibre optics.

» valla de caña trenzadawattle fence .

Example: Wattle fences, traditionally made from willow, have been in use since medieval times.

trenzar = braid ; interweave ; twine ; plait ; wreathe. 

Example: This is a painting of a girl in a red dress with her hair braided, seated behind a parapet near a window.Example: Information services should also be interwoven with the social fabric and firmly rooted in a commuity in order to be acceptable.Example: This liana has an old stem twining around a tree branch in the tropical deciduous forest of Michoacan, Mexico.Example: The thieves plaited the manes of the beasts to identify which ones to steal.Example: The city, too, was wreathed in the same indigo mist that hovered around the entire planet, only the mist here was much more prevalent.

Trenzado synonyms

adorned in spanish: adornado, pronunciation: ədɔrnd part of speech: adjective decorated in spanish: decorado, pronunciation: dekɜreɪtəd part of speech: adjective
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