Tren in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

tren = train. 

Example: If none of these terms is appropriate¼ give the specific name of the item or the names of the parts of the item as concisely as possible; e.g., 1 clockwork toy train.


» abono de trenrail pass .

Example: These rail passes are available to everybody except Australian citizens.

» aficionado a identificar las locomotoras de los trenestrainspotter  .

Example: A trainspotter who fell from a bridge onto a railway line says he has no memory of the accident.

» asalto al trentrain robbery .

Example: Examples include: Border patrols, Forgeries, Birds, Spelunkers, Train robberies, etc.

» bajarse del trenget off + the train .

Example: It is one of America's last flag stop trains allowing travelers to get off the train anywhere along a 55-mile stretch to hike the backcountry.

» billete de trentrain ticket .

Example: The Internet has caused a significant reduction in airline and train ticket sales by travel agencies.

» coger un trencatch + a traintake + a train .

Example: A 16-year-old girl was killed when she fell from a platform while apparently trying to catch a train.

Example: I told numerous people that I'd taken a train to Sicily and most looked at me like I was crazy, but I'm living proof that it is possible.

» (como) para parar un trenenough to sink a (battle)shipgaloreaplenty [a-plenty]coming out of + Posesivo + ears .

Example: The evening kicked off with drinks at the bar and enough food to sink a ship, so stomachs were lined for what lay ahead.

Example: There have been promises galore made to delegation after delegation of the film industry, but all the promises have been just promises, hollow and empty.

Example: The article 'CD-ROM licenses: pitfalls aplenty!' advises how to deal with the licenses which subscribers are required to sign on purchase of CD-ROM products for use in libraries = El artículo "Las licencias de CD-ROM: ¡dificultades a montón!" aconseja cómo negociar las licencias que los suscriptores tienen que firmar al comprar productos CD-ROM para uso en la biblioteca.

Example: But the American man and woman on the street -- the ones with two kids, a mortgage and bills coming out of their ears -- stand powerless as their jobs vanish.

» compañía de trenesrailroad company .

Example: Railroad companies tend to use for ballast rocks that are chemically and physically resistant to weathering.

» departamento del trentrain compartment .

Example: The setting up of women-only train compartments is definitely the best solution in solving the problem of indecent assaults in the MTR.

» estación de trenrail yardtrain stationrailway station .

Example: Rail yards dispatcher must determine how cars are transferred from one inbound train to another outbound train and what is the makeup of each outbound train, how to use yard engines, and how to arrange yard track occupation.

Example: His characters are gullible and easily led, dependent on the kindness of strangers and vulnerable to parasites and touts who hang around train stations and hotels.

Example: Information kiosks are designed for use in any location in which there is significant footfall, including public libraries, shopping centres and railway stations.

» estar como para parar un trenbe a real stunnerbe a real smasherbe smoking hot .

Example: At eighteen, she was a real stunner, with a figure and face that turned heads.

Example: And only one was a real smasher -- her name was Rachel a slender black Caribbean girl in her early 20's with long curly hair and a shy smile.

Example: Besides the fact she's smoking hot, she has the perfect mix of je-ne-sais-quoi/sophistication in her style, that makes her my best friend.

» estar como un trenbe a real stunnerbe a real smasherbe smoking hot .

Example: At eighteen, she was a real stunner, with a figure and face that turned heads.

Example: And only one was a real smasher -- her name was Rachel a slender black Caribbean girl in her early 20's with long curly hair and a shy smile.

Example: Besides the fact she's smoking hot, she has the perfect mix of je-ne-sais-quoi/sophistication in her style, that makes her my best friend.

» horario de trenestrain timetable .

Example: The reference department contain quick reference material including street and trade directories, bus, train and air timetables, year-books, gazetteers, list of addresses, booklets, guide books, etc.

» ir en el trenride + a train .

Example: Riding a train to Osaka for the party dressed as a mummy was great fun.

» ir en trengo by + train .

Example: To get to Kerala it is easier and quicker to go by bus than to go by train.

» juego de tenes miniaturamodel train set .

Example: If you're looking for something unique to add to your model train set, you may be interested in adding diner cars.

» juego de trenes miniaturatrain set .

Example: This is the world's biggest train set which covers 1150 square metres, features almost six miles of track and is still not complete.

» montar en trenride + a train .

Example: Riding a train to Osaka for the party dressed as a mummy was great fun.

» montarse en el trenboard + a trainget on + the train .

Example: You will save money by purchasing your tickets prior to boarding the train.

Example: When I got on the train, there wasn't an information tannoy, therefore I had no choice but ask the train crew questions even though they failed to understand my meaning.

» operarios de trentrain crew .

Example: When I got on the train, there wasn't an information tannoy, therefore I had no choice but ask the train crew questions even though they failed to understand my meaning.

» perder el trenmiss + the trainmiss + the boatmiss + the bus .

Example: The trip kicked off by missing the train due to a very late night in Paris the night before.

Example: Librarians, considering information the prerogative of the public library, rightly feel that they have 'missed the boat' over this.

Example: More important, Obama has missed the bus on the question of preventing a slide back into protectionism.

» servicios de trenesrail facilities .

Example: It occupies 15 square miles on the shore of Lake Tiemblo, and because of its location astride major rail and highway facilities it is a center of industry and shopping.

» subirse al trenjump on + the bandwagonride + the hypejump on + the gravy trainclimb on + the bandwagonget on + the bandwagonget on + the gravy trainride + the gravy trainboard + a trainget on + the train .

Example: While there is a sense of urgency to jump on the Internet bandwagon, professionals still have time to learn and assimilate this new electronic culture.

Example: Everyone is riding the hype of 'An Inconvenient Truth,' and even Congress has caught the fever... but it doesn't feel rigth yet.

Example: As endless stories around corruption continue to spill over into the main news and business pages, businesses should pause for thought before jumping on the sport sponsoring gravy train.

Example: Once they find this out, they will certainly want to climb on the bandwagon and not be left behind.

Example: Any time there appears to be a worker shortage our politicians get on the bandwagon and start preaching about training programs.

Example: It seems that a lot of celebrities are in a rush to get on the gravy train, and they'll attach their name to almost anything.

Example: This little lady isn't going to make it either, so it's not like I can hang on her coattails and ride the gravy train to millionairesville.

Example: You will save money by purchasing your tickets prior to boarding the train.

Example: When I got on the train, there wasn't an information tannoy, therefore I had no choice but ask the train crew questions even though they failed to understand my meaning.

» tomar un trencatch + a traintake + a train .

Example: A 16-year-old girl was killed when she fell from a platform while apparently trying to catch a train.

Example: I told numerous people that I'd taken a train to Sicily and most looked at me like I was crazy, but I'm living proof that it is possible.

» trayecto en trentrain ride .

Example: I'm already planning a quick train ride to Edinburgh to see the art museums there an drop in on the Edinburgh Festival.

» tren a vaporsteam trainpuffer train .

Example: Residents living near a new wind turbine say it sounds like a 'steam train' day and night.

Example: Of course, that's in addition to taking a spin on the carousel, taking a ride on the puffer train and getting to know the zoo's residents a little better.

» tren camasleeper train .

Example: Arrive in Scotland or Cornwall refreshed and ready to go after a overnight journey on one of our sleeper trains.

» tren de alta velocidadbullet trainhigh-speed train .

Example: As wonderfully fast as the bullet train is, all that stopping and starting takes time, which adds up.

Example: 40 people died when a high-speed train hit a stationary train near Wenzhou.

» tren de cercaníascommuter train .

Example: Firefighters are working to rescue live people and dead bodies from a commuter train which crashed this afternoon.

» tren de cremallerarack train .

Example: From the foot of the mountain you will board the modern rack train that will rise to a height of 725 metres.

» tren de juguetetoy traintrain setmodel train set .

Example: If none of these terms is appropriate, give the specific name of the item or the names of the parts of the item as concisely as possible; e.g., 1 clockwork toy train.

Example: This is the world's biggest train set which covers 1150 square metres, features almost six miles of track and is still not complete.

Example: If you're looking for something unique to add to your model train set, you may be interested in adding diner cars.

» tren delanterofront end .

Example: Rear ends of heavy vehicles are a real danger due to their being much higher than the front ends of cars and other light vehicles driving behind.

» tren de mercancíasfreight traingoods train .

Example: The article 'Libraries and the railroads -- or sitting on a siding watching the freight trains go by' compares the possible future of libraries and information centres with the state of US railways.

Example: Two bogies of a goods train derailed this morning leading to blockade of all railway traffic.

» tren de pasajerospassenger train .

Example: The first passenger trains seldom travelled more than 20 miles per hour.

» tren de vaporsteam trainpuffer train .

Example: Residents living near a new wind turbine say it sounds like a 'steam train' day and night.

Example: Of course, that's in addition to taking a spin on the carousel, taking a ride on the puffer train and getting to know the zoo's residents a little better.

» tren eléctricotrain setmodel train set .

Example: This is the world's biggest train set which covers 1150 square metres, features almost six miles of track and is still not complete.

Example: If you're looking for something unique to add to your model train set, you may be interested in adding diner cars.

» tren hospitalhospital train .

Example: The significance of the hospital trains was the creation of a network of trains, hospital ships, and general hospitals that became the basis for the present military practice of caring for casualties of war.

» tren nocturnoovernight trainnight train .

Example: Clouds rolled in and it was time to make our way back into the city to catch the overnight train.

Example: This is the second time the railways have decided to extend the suspension of night trains in the affected areas.

» tren traserorear end .

Example: Rear ends of heavy vehicles are a real danger due to their being much higher than the front ends of cars and other light vehicles driving behind.

» viaje en trentrain ridetrain journey .

Example: I'm already planning a quick train ride to Edinburgh to see the art museums there an drop in on the Edinburgh Festival.

Example: Here are ten fun ways to liven up your average train journey.

» viajero de trentrain rider .

Example: Hundreds of train riders were marooned during the Wednesday morning commute.

Tren synonyms

school in spanish: colegio, pronunciation: skul part of speech: noun take in spanish: tomar, pronunciation: teɪk part of speech: verb check in spanish: comprobar, pronunciation: tʃek part of speech: verb, noun develop in spanish: desarrollar, pronunciation: dɪveləp part of speech: verb condition in spanish: condición, pronunciation: kəndɪʃən part of speech: noun discipline in spanish: disciplina, pronunciation: dɪsəplən part of speech: noun aim in spanish: objetivo, pronunciation: eɪm part of speech: noun, verb string in spanish: cuerda, pronunciation: strɪŋ part of speech: noun direct in spanish: directo, pronunciation: dɜrekt part of speech: adjective coach in spanish: entrenador, pronunciation: koʊtʃ part of speech: noun cultivate in spanish: cultivar, pronunciation: kʌltəveɪt part of speech: verb groom in spanish: novio, pronunciation: grum part of speech: noun caravan in spanish: caravana, pronunciation: kærəvæn part of speech: noun prepare in spanish: preparar, pronunciation: priper part of speech: verb educate in spanish: educar, pronunciation: edʒəkeɪt part of speech: verb gearing in spanish: engranaje, pronunciation: gɪrɪŋ part of speech: noun gears in spanish: engranajes, pronunciation: gɪrz part of speech: noun civilize in spanish: civilizar, pronunciation: sɪvəlaɪz part of speech: verb power train in spanish: tren de fuerza, pronunciation: paʊɜrtreɪn part of speech: noun wagon train in spanish: vagón de tren, pronunciation: wægəntreɪn part of speech: noun take aim in spanish: apuntar, pronunciation: teɪkeɪm part of speech: verb geartrain in spanish: tren de engranajes, pronunciation: ʒɑrtreɪn part of speech: noun railroad train in spanish: tren, pronunciation: reɪlroʊdtreɪn part of speech: noun
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