Treinta in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

treinta = thirty. 

Example: Altogether between twenty and thirty data bases are offered.


» andar por los treintabe thirtyish .

Example: It depicts the interior of a grocery store, circa 1930, and a man who is thirtyish and a teenage boy.

» de treinta y ocho años de edadthirty-eight-year-old .

Example: Thirty-eight-year-old Arnold Carmichael has been director of the Squier Memorial Public Library for seven years.

» los años treintathirties .

Example: You remember that in the thirties, two people, Books and Lewis, had special rules for maps.

» treinta aproximadamentethirtyish  .

Example: And in the thirtyish years since we've been teaching permaculture, an estimate of 100,000 people throughout the world have learned about it.

» treinta y algothirty something .

Example: I know that on the scale of world hunger and breast cancer, this thirty- something crisis doesn't even register.

» treinta y cincothirty-five .

Example: Both these hosts offers around thirty-five data bases each.

» treinta y tantosthirty oddthirty or sothirty plusthirty something .

Example: Tomorrow I get to meet thirty-odd people with the same job as me.

Example: During the past thirty or so years, the popularity of weight training has increased enormously.

Example: Typical steroids user is well-educated and thirty plus, says study.

Example: I know that on the scale of world hunger and breast cancer, this thirty- something crisis doesn't even register.

Treinta synonyms

cardinal in spanish: cardenal, pronunciation: kɑrdənəl part of speech: noun, adjective xxx in spanish: xxx, pronunciation: seks part of speech: noun 30 in spanish: 30, pronunciation: none part of speech: noun, adjective
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