Trazo in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

trazar = trace ; plot ; chart ; draw ; draw out. 

Example: Cleo Passantino produced a long sheet of graph paper with a sawtooth squiggle traced down the center of it.Example: The technique 'Trend Projection' graphically plots future trends based on past experience.Example: This article describes how Australia was depicted on early maps of the world charted by the Portuguese and Dutch seafarers from 1452 to the present day.Example: At every instant the darkness of the line being drawn is made equal to the darkness of the point on the picture being observed by the photocell.Example: Here are the two sites where I originally found out about drawing out the routes on Google Maps.


» punta de trazarscribe .

Example: The guide provides step-by-step instructions for completing each instructional objective (e.g., use a square and scribe to mark lines on metal, use a hand drill and rivet gun).

» trazar con tizachalk .

Example: Some pubs have menus on the tables, others have menus on the bar counter or chalked on blackboards - or both.

» trazar con una gráficagraph .

Example: I've graphed myself, and I find that I have a twenty-one-day cycle of emotional ups and downs.

» trazar directriceschart + a direction .

Example: This method can be extremely helpful in charting future directions and gathering data for decision-making.

» trazar la evolución detrace + the development oftrace + the evolution of .

Example: It attempts to trace the development of the new rules, and to clarify their characteristics and problems by comparing them with the old rules.

Example: The article 'The Wild Goose Chase' is a review essay on Umberto Eco's book, The Search for the Perfect Language, tracing the evolution of the search for a perfect universal language from biblical times through the present.

» trazar la evolución de Algochart + the progresschart + the history .

Example: Saracevic has lucidly charted its progress up to fairly recent times.

Example: The author charts the history of automated cataloguing at the Australian National University Library, which began in 1974.

» trazar la trayectoriachart + a course .

Example: The title of the article is 'Charting a course through the quagmire of copyright law' = El título del artículo es "Cómo trazar un rumbo en el embrollo de la ley de copyright".

» trazar una curva de Algoplot + Nombre + on a graph .

Example: If we draw a cross-section through A, and plot this on a graph showing degree of relevance, we get the result denoted APUPA by Ranganathan.

» trazar una gráfica de Algoplot + Nombre + on a graph .

Example: If we draw a cross-section through A, and plot this on a graph showing degree of relevance, we get the result denoted APUPA by Ranganathan.

» trazar una líneadraw + a line .

Example: In this drawing game, you must draw a line to guide different types of characters to where they belong.

» trazar una metaset + a goal .

Example: Librarians sometimes set goals that conflict with their ideal of professional service.

» trazar un círculodraw + a circle .

Example: If you need to draw a circle, and don't have a compass on you, this method will work well.

» trazar un círculo alrededorcircle .

Example: Additionally, subjects circled numbers from 1 to 5 to indicate how satisfying the relationship was.

» trazar un mapamap .

Example: Defining a revolution in progress is like mapping the lava flow from an active volcano well nigh impossible and extremely dangerous.

» trazar un objetivoset + a goal .

Example: Librarians sometimes set goals that conflict with their ideal of professional service.

» trazar un rumbochart + a course .

Example: The title of the article is 'Charting a course through the quagmire of copyright law' = El título del artículo es "Cómo trazar un rumbo en el embrollo de la ley de copyright".

trazo = serif ; stroke ; sidenote [side-note] ; brush stroke [brushstroke]. 

Example: It was a hybrid letter, with the bracketed, inclined serifs of the old face combined with the vertical stress and sharp regularity of modern.Example: They are true black letters in their great contrast between thick and thin strokes and they have mere thickenings for serifs.Example: The odour impression was a very pleasant spearmint, with green, floral, fruity, and spicy sidenotes.Example: The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word 'crisis' -- one brush stroke stands for danger, the other for opportunity.


» de trazos anchosbroad-pen .

Example: The italics that accompanied all these faces were sloped romans, varying in contrast in the same way as their parent forms, and seldom showing any trace of renaissance broad-pen calligraphy.

» de trazos delicadosspidery .

Example: Caslon based his spidery italic on the van Dijck design.

Trazo synonyms

shot in spanish: Disparo, pronunciation: ʃɑt part of speech: noun throw in spanish: lanzar, pronunciation: θroʊ part of speech: verb slash in spanish: barra oblicua, pronunciation: slæʃ part of speech: noun, verb apoplexy in spanish: apoplejía, pronunciation: æpəpleksi part of speech: noun diagonal in spanish: diagonal, pronunciation: daɪægənəl part of speech: adjective, noun fondle in spanish: acariciar, pronunciation: fɔndəl part of speech: verb solidus in spanish: solidus, pronunciation: səlɪdəs part of speech: noun virgule in spanish: vírgula, pronunciation: vɜrgul part of speech: noun stroking in spanish: acariciando, pronunciation: stroʊkɪŋ part of speech: noun cva in spanish: cva, pronunciation: part of speech: noun separatrix in spanish: separatriz, pronunciation: sepɜreɪtrɪks part of speech: noun cerebrovascular accident in spanish: accidente cerebrovascular, pronunciation: serəbrəvæskjəlɜræksədənt part of speech: noun cam stroke in spanish: movimiento de leva, pronunciation: kæmstroʊk part of speech: noun
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