Travesía in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

travesía = journey. 

Example: When at one stage of his journey Christian lost his roll, he was very distressed until he found it again.


» primera travesíamaiden voyage .

Example: A solar-powered airplane that one day will attempt an around the world non-stop flight took its maiden voyage yesterday in Switzerland.

Travesía synonyms

cross in spanish: cruzar, pronunciation: krɔs part of speech: noun, adjective, verb ford in spanish: vado, pronunciation: fɔrd part of speech: noun transverse in spanish: transverso, pronunciation: trænzvɜrs part of speech: adjective intersection in spanish: intersección, pronunciation: ɪntɜrsekʃən part of speech: noun crossroad in spanish: cruce de caminos, pronunciation: krɔsroʊd part of speech: noun crosswalk in spanish: paso de peatones, pronunciation: krɑswɑk part of speech: noun transversal in spanish: transversal, pronunciation: trænzvɜrzəl part of speech: adjective hybridization in spanish: hibridación, pronunciation: haɪbrədəzeɪʃən part of speech: noun carrefour in spanish: carrefour, pronunciation: kerəfaʊr part of speech: noun interbreeding in spanish: mestizaje, pronunciation: ɪntɜrbridɪŋ part of speech: noun crossbreeding in spanish: cruce, pronunciation: krɔsbridɪŋ part of speech: noun crossway in spanish: cruce de caminos, pronunciation: krɔsweɪ part of speech: noun hybridisation in spanish: hibridación, pronunciation: haɪbrɪdəseɪʃən part of speech: noun hybridizing in spanish: hibridación, pronunciation: haɪbrɪdaɪzɪŋ part of speech: noun thwartwise in spanish: al revés, pronunciation: θwɔrtwaɪz part of speech: adjective
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