Tratamiento in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

tratamiento1 = approach [approaches, -pl.] ; processing ; treatment ; approximation ; course of treatment ; manipulation. 

Example: During the last twenty years the variety of approaches to the organisation of knowledge has proliferated with the introduction of computer-based methods.Example: Often, the computer is used to aid in the processing of such indexes, and sometimes computer processing is responsible for the creation of multiple entries from one string of index terms.Example: Not all classification schemes need to aim for this comprehensive treatment.Example: If we try to group the concepts arising from the titles, we find that a first approximation gives us four groups.Example: Moreover, the medical profession encompasses a spectrum of opinions as to the efficacy, value, and danger attendant upon various regimens and courses of treatment.Example: Indexing may rely upon the facilities for the manipulation and ordering of data offered by the computer.


» aplicar un tratamiento anticorrosiónrust-proof .

Example: If your motorhome hasn't been rust-proofed, it will probably already be starting to rust, even if it's only one year old.

» aplicar un tratamiento anticorrosivorust-proof .

Example: If your motorhome hasn't been rust-proofed, it will probably already be starting to rust, even if it's only one year old.

» a prueba de un tratamiento duroruggedised [ruggedized, -USA] .

Example: The article 'Where no drive has gone before: ruggedized CD-ROM drives' provides examples of conditions where CD-ROM drives need to be particularly rugged (severe industrial conditions, severe shock and vibration conditions, and severe military conditions).

» barniz para tratamiento de la maderawood preservative .

Example: Materials covered in this booklet include: aerosols; deodorizers; cleaners; drain cleaners; fingernail polish/remover; handcleaners; moth crystals; oven cleaners; and wood preservatives.

» dar un tratamientogive + treatment .

Example: Equally serious, authors are often too close to the paper to give it an objective treatment.

» igualdad de tratamientofairness  .

Example: That's a federal agency I believe that what they've done in this particular case represents social justice and elementary fairness.

» planta de tratamiento de aguas residualessewage plantsewage treatment plantwastewater treatment plant .

Example: A pump at a sewage plant in Beijing has exploded, killing three workers and causing a toxic gas leak that made at least 16 people ill.

Example: In sewage treatment plants, the organic components of the waste water are decomposed in aeration tanks using microorganisms.

Example: So wastewater-treatment plants are located on low ground, often near a river into which treated water can be released.

» resistente a un tratamiento duroruggedised [ruggedized, -USA] .

Example: The article 'Where no drive has gone before: ruggedized CD-ROM drives' provides examples of conditions where CD-ROM drives need to be particularly rugged (severe industrial conditions, severe shock and vibration conditions, and severe military conditions).

» sistema de tratamiento de imágenesimage processing system .

Example: Implementation of the image processing system meant this mountain of paper could be transformed into electronic form on easily transported optical disks.

» tratamiento alfabéticoalphabetical approach .

Example: A classified approach was necessary in the index, rather than an alphabetical approach because an internationally acceptable notation was important.

» tratamiento alfabético de materiasalphabetical subject approach .

Example: Such a list seeks to negotiate the problems of the alphabetical subject approach as outlined in the previous chapter.

» tratamiento analíticoanalytical approach .

Example: In general then, the analytical approach is to be preferred, but it does have two limitations.

» tratamiento anticorrosiónrust-proofing .

Example: To provide maximum protection for your vehicle, rust-proofing must be performed once every year.

» tratamiento anticorrosivorust-proofing .

Example: To provide maximum protection for your vehicle, rust-proofing must be performed once every year.

» tratamiento de aguas residualessewage treatmentsewage disposalwastewater treatment .

Example: All the patents were about sewage treatment.

Example: Its relationship to the environment is now reasonably well understood -- water supply, sewage disposal, protection from weather, etc.

Example: Reed beds are becoming increasingly popular for the treatment of both industrial and domestic effluents, offering a simple means of wastewater treatment.

» tratamiento de datostransaction processing .

Example: The role of computer-based information systems has evolved from focusing on data (transaction processing systems) and information (management information systems) to focusing on decision (decision support systems) and coordination (distributed decision-making systems).

» tratamiento de documentosdocument processingdocument handling .

Example: Careful and detailed document processing is important since archive material is useful at council meetings and conferences and as a source of information for long-term research planning.

Example: The notion of an expert system is briefly reviewed so as to discuss its significance and to raise a number of issues relevant to document handling, particularly in the case of illustrations.

» tratamiento de imágenesimage processing .

Example: Image processing is fast becoming a major success in the hardware field, and in its footsteps could come the first significant attempt at image archiving and subsequent on-line retrieval.

» Tratamiento de Imágenes de Documentos (DIP)Document Image Processing (DIP) .

Example: This article is a review of the current state of Document Image Processing (DIP) applications and the progress of supply and demand for DIP systems in the UK.

» tratamiento del aguawater treatment .

Example: Tropical aquariums require filters, heaters, lights and pumps, as well as decor, plants and numerous water treatments.

» tratamiento de la informacióndata processing [Todas las operaciones efectuadas sobre datos según unas reglas de proceso muy concretas]information handling .

Example: Data processing are all operations carried out on data according to precise rules of procedures.

Example: Considerable progress has been made in the area of information handling.

» tratamiento de textosword processing .

Example: Obviously, staff will have to be instructed in the use of the new system, be it word processing or a full-scale circulation system.

» tratamiento documentaldocument management .

Example: The 1990s will see a productivity breakthrough in document management.

» tratamiento específico de la informaciónspecific approach [Indización y recuperación de la información por el descriptor específico que define el contenido del documento y no por otro más general] .

Example: Entry should be direct, in accordance with Cutter's rule; any departure from direct entry leads to alphabetico-classed arrangement, which is contrary to the specific approach.

» tratamiento masivomass treatment .

Example: Mass treatment is the name given to an industrial-scale process to deacidify and stabilise and/or strengthen library and archival materials.

» tratamiento por condicionescondition approach .

Example: AACR and other recent cataloguing codes have been drafted upon the 'condition' approach to formulating cataloguing rules.

» tratamiento por fasesphased approach .

Example: Early in its discussions the Working Group concluded that the implementation of an international authority system ought to follow a phased approach.

» tratamiento químicochemical treatment .

Example: Teak is used for manufacturing patio furniture because it is naturally water and insect-resistant without requiring chemical treatment.

» tratamiento sistemáticoclassified approach .

Example: A classified approach was necessary in the index, rather than an alphabetical approach because an internationally acceptable notation was important.

» tratamiento urgentefast track .

Example: The recently announced plan calls for creating a fast track for approving drugs for life threatening diseases = El plan anunciado recientemente demanda la creación de un procedimiento rápido para aprobar el uso de fármacos para enfermedades mortales.

tratamiento2 = medication ; treatment plan ; course. 

Example: Information obtained was used to check diagnoses, medications, or advice given to patients.Example: That means every patient benefits from their own team of cancer specialists who work together to develop a customized treatment plan.Example: If you fail to complete a course of antibiotics, some of the bacteria causing the infection may survive.


» aplicar un tratamiento equivocadomistreat  .

Example: Scabies is frequently misdiagnosed and mistreated, partly because its symptoms mimic so many other skin diseases.

» aplicar un tratamiento erróneomistreat  .

Example: Scabies is frequently misdiagnosed and mistreated, partly because its symptoms mimic so many other skin diseases.

» plan de tratamientotreatment plan .

Example: That means every patient benefits from their own team of cancer specialists who work together to develop a customized treatment plan.

» seguir un tratamiento médicobe on medication .

Example: The number of kids who are on medication has jumped dramatically.

» tratamiento a base de hierbasherbal treatment .

Example: In the 1930s a nurse, Rene Caisse, gained much attention through the use of a herbal treatment for cancer which she called Essiac.

» tratamiento de bellezabeauty treatment .

Example: She lived beyond her means, routinely spending thousands of bucks on hair extensions and beauty treatments and throwing lavish parties for him.

» tratamiento de conducto radicularroot canal treatmentroot canal surgeryroot canal .

Example: The use of an antibiotic in adjunct with a root canal treatment is based on the judgement of the dentist treating a patient.

Example: Given a choice between losing a tooth or having root canal surgery, I would opt for a root canal.

Example: Oral surgery is slightly more invasive than your typical cavity filling or root canal since it usually requires some sort of anesthesia.

» tratamiento de fertilidadfertility treatment .

Example: The granddaddy of all fertility treatments, artificial insemination, dates to the early 1900s.

» tratamiento dentaldental treatment .

Example: The first step of every single dental treatment is the removal of dental scale, thus preventing gingivitis.

» tratamiento hospitalariohospital treatment .

Example: Michael Jackson is 'a little bit under the weather,' but hasn't sought hospital treatment, his spokeswoman said.

» tratamiento intensivointensive treatment .

Example: DJ Slim will be out of action for a bit -- he has a serious back injury that needs intensive treatment immediately.

» tratamiento médicodoctoringmedical treatment .

Example: Medical education emphasizes disease and technical procedures, with scant attention to the caring aspects of doctoring.

Example: Dozens of children seem to die every year because their parents withhold medical treatment for religious reasons.

» tratamiento ortodónticoorthodontic treatment .

Example: If you suffer from misaligned teeth, don't worry -- this common dental problem, also called malocclusion, can be fixed with orthodontic treatment or braces.

» tratamiento quirúrgicosurgical treatment .

Example: The dolphins were released into the open seas after a short surgical treatment.

» tratamiento siquiátricopsychiatric treatment .

Example: Despite the high rate of mental illness in people living in squalor, only about half have received psychiatric treatment in the previous year.

tratamiento3 = form of address ; courtesy title. 

Example: Typically, the additions to the name will fall within the following categories: title of nobility, title of honour, form of address, date of birth, and date of death.Example: There are several different kinds of courtesy titles in the British peerage.


» tratamiento de cortesíacourtesy title .

Example: There are several different kinds of courtesy titles in the British peerage.

Tratamiento synonyms

discourse in spanish: discurso, pronunciation: dɪskɔrs part of speech: noun discussion in spanish: discusión, pronunciation: dɪskʌʃən part of speech: noun handling in spanish: manejo, pronunciation: hændlɪŋ part of speech: noun
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