Trastazo in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

trastazo = thump. 

Example: If your starter motor doesn't turn give it a few thumps of a hammer and try again.

Trastazo synonyms

break in spanish: descanso, pronunciation: breɪk part of speech: verb, noun blow in spanish: soplo, pronunciation: bloʊ part of speech: noun, verb find in spanish: encontrar, pronunciation: faɪnd part of speech: verb hit in spanish: golpear, pronunciation: hɪt part of speech: verb, noun chance in spanish: oportunidad, pronunciation: tʃæns part of speech: noun encounter in spanish: encuentro, pronunciation: ɪnkaʊntɜr part of speech: noun, verb happen in spanish: ocurrir, pronunciation: hæpən part of speech: verb relegate in spanish: relegar, pronunciation: reləgeɪt part of speech: verb hump in spanish: joroba, pronunciation: hʌmp part of speech: noun bulge in spanish: bulto, pronunciation: bʌldʒ part of speech: noun, verb knock in spanish: golpe, pronunciation: nɑk part of speech: verb, noun prominence in spanish: prominencia, pronunciation: prɑmənəns part of speech: noun displace in spanish: desplazar, pronunciation: dɪspleɪs part of speech: verb protrusion in spanish: saliente, pronunciation: prətruʒən part of speech: noun extrusion in spanish: extrusión, pronunciation: ɪkstruʒən part of speech: noun jut in spanish: sobresalir, pronunciation: dʒʌt part of speech: noun, verb demote in spanish: degradar, pronunciation: dɪmoʊt part of speech: verb dislodge in spanish: desalojar, pronunciation: dɪslɑdʒ part of speech: verb excrescence in spanish: excrecencia, pronunciation: ɪkskresəns part of speech: noun protuberance in spanish: protuberancia, pronunciation: proʊtubɜrəns part of speech: noun gibbosity in spanish: gibosidad, pronunciation: dʒɪbɑsəti part of speech: noun gibbousness in spanish: gibosidad, pronunciation: dʒɪbəsnəs part of speech: noun kick downstairs in spanish: patear abajo, pronunciation: kɪkdaʊnsterz part of speech: verb
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