Traspaso in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

traspasar = give over ; swap in and out of ; stab ; cross ; quitclaim. 

Example: The old building is now given over to children and young people.Example: At a greater level of sophistication, the operating system will be able to swap programs in and out of memory in mid-operation in order to let another have a go.Example: He listened to me and then said 'ˆre you finished?' and just walked away -- The woman sat up, as if stabbed.Example: Some of the cases presented in this book are concerned with broad policy issues, while others are less encompassing and present some of the narrower problems that cross the library manager's desk.Example: If you quitclaim property without taking any money in return from your father, the transfer is regarded as a gift and the value of the gift will be the value of the property at the time of the transfer.


» traspasar aspill over into .

Example: The artificiality of institutional concepts has spilled over into the structure of the publishing services on which the user depends for Community information.

» traspasar con una lanzaspear .

Example: The object found is designed for spearing or harpooning and may have formed part of a local medieval fishing kit.

traspaso = conveyance ; permeability ; handover [hand-over] ; quitclaim. 

Example: In these circumstances the book is primarily a medium for the conveyance of information of one sort or another = In these circumstances the book is primarily a medium for the conveyance of information of one sort or another.Example: There is greater permeability than before between different types of library at the start of a career but, once settled in a post, fewer librarians than before change from one type of library to another.Example: The author assesses the prospects of Hong Kong after the handover of the colony to China in 1997 when it will once again be competing with Shanghai as the publishing hub of the Orient.Example: And he's also looking for lenders to refinance the loan as the quitclaim would leave the mortgage payoff responsibility entirely on my shoulders.


» escritura de traspasodeed of transferquitclaim deed .

Example: A deed of transfer is a legal document that transfers the ownership of property from one person to another.

Example: A quitclaim deed is a type of deed by which a person (the 'grantor') grants real property (i.e., land) to another (the 'grantee').

» traspaso de competenciasdevolution .

Example: Despite such devolution it is essential to maintain close co-operation amongst libraries in the province.

Traspaso synonyms

change in spanish: cambio, pronunciation: tʃeɪndʒ part of speech: noun, verb shift in spanish: cambio, pronunciation: ʃɪft part of speech: noun, verb channel in spanish: canal, pronunciation: tʃænəl part of speech: noun transport in spanish: transporte, pronunciation: trænspɔrt part of speech: noun transportation in spanish: transporte, pronunciation: trænspɜrteɪʃən part of speech: noun transpose in spanish: transponer, pronunciation: trænspoʊz part of speech: verb, noun conveyance in spanish: transporte, pronunciation: kənveɪəns part of speech: noun remove in spanish: retirar, pronunciation: rimuv part of speech: verb transmit in spanish: transmitir, pronunciation: trænzmɪt part of speech: verb transplant in spanish: trasplante, pronunciation: trænsplænt part of speech: noun generalization in spanish: generalización, pronunciation: dʒenɜrəlɪzeɪʃən part of speech: noun transference in spanish: transferencia, pronunciation: trænsfɜrəns part of speech: noun reassign in spanish: reasignar, pronunciation: riəsaɪn part of speech: verb carry-over in spanish: Continuar, pronunciation: kæriəwɑvɜr part of speech: noun transferral in spanish: transferencia, pronunciation: trænsferəl part of speech: noun channelize in spanish: canalizar, pronunciation: tʃænəlaɪz part of speech: verb transfer of training in spanish: transferencia de entrenamiento, pronunciation: trænsfɜrʌvtreɪnɪŋ part of speech: noun
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