Trasmisión in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

transmisión1 = transmission ; conveyance. 

Example: These more diverse forms of knowledge transmission will emphasize the end result rather than the means.Example: In these circumstances the book is primarily a medium for the conveyance of information of one sort or another = In these circumstances the book is primarily a medium for the conveyance of information of one sort or another.


» en proceso de transmisiónin transit .

Example: Now, with computerized data-bases and vast amounts of data in transit, access to it -- authorized and unauthorized -- is more practicable.

» frecuencia de transmisióncarrier frequency .

Example: Communication satellites act as relay stations, by capturing the signals which arrive from the earth and retransmitting them on a different carrier frequency.

» línea de transmisiónline transmission .

Example: Europe and Australia (where experimental transmissions have been going on for some time) have a 50 Hz electricity supply, 625 line transmissions, and two non-compatible colour systems, PAL and SECAM.

» líneas de transmisión por onda luminosalight-wave transmission lines .

Example: Two of the most important new media are satellite links and optic fibre, or lightwave transmission lines.

» medio de transmisiónconduit .

Example: The architect's brief specifies that conduit (of sewer pipe size if possible) should be provided for electrical wiring with outlets placed in the ceiling every metre.

» METS [Estándar para la Codificación y Transmisión de Metadatos]METS [Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard] .

Example: The METS standard is a flexible schema for describing the structure of a complex digital object (like a digitized newspaper issue).

» sistema de transmisión de mensajesmessaging system .

Example: X.400, the international standard for interconnecting electronic messaging systems, consists of a series of recommendations for Message Handling Systems (MHS).

» transmisión de datosdata-flowdata transfer [En tecnología de la información, envío de información de un ordenador a otro por medio de una canal de comunicación]data transmission [En tecnología de la información, envío de información de un ordenador a otro por medio de una canal de comunicación] .

Example: A new set of recommendations has been recently put forward for data-flow control along public data networks.

Example: The parties involved in this venture found it necessary to rationalise the technology for data capture and data transfer.

Example: There are two forms of data transmission: (a) asynchronous transmission (in which the transmitting and receiving devices are not in step); (b) synchronous transmission (in which the transmitting and receiving devices are in step).

» transmisión de facsímilesfacsimile transmission .

Example: The new technologies for information storage and retrieval which have burst upon the scene in only the past few years are mind boggling: electronic mail, synchronous and asynchronous communications networks, computer imaging, desktop publishing, facsimile transmission, just to name a few.

» transmisión de informacióninformation flowinformation transmission [Acto de pasar información de una persona a otra o de un sistema de información a otro] .

Example: Document analysis makes a significant contribution to communication and information flow.

Example: The development of optical fibres for information transmission has exciting potential here, but there is a very large investment in the present systems which cannot be swept aside overnight.

» transmisión de información a través de la vozvoice transmission .

Example: Do you feel that we should stay with our old number-crunching, inefficient system or switch to voice transmission, which seems to be coming up fairly fast?.

» transmisión de mensajesmessagingmessage-switching [En Internet, sistema por el cual un ordenador recibe mensajes, los retiene si hace falta y los envía a su destino cuando el sistema lo permita] .

Example: Messaging for ILL is done via the post or though entirely separate and dedicated electronic mail systems.

Example: As a rule, a message-switching computer is not used to provide general computational or text processing facilities, it is more like a policeman directing traffic at a busy intersection of 'data highways'.

» transmisión por faxfacsimile transmission .

Example: The new technologies for information storage and retrieval which have burst upon the scene in only the past few years are mind boggling: electronic mail, synchronous and asynchronous communications networks, computer imaging, desktop publishing, facsimile transmission, just to name a few.

» transmisión vía podpodcast .

Example: This is a podcast for anyone and everyone to vent their feelings about anything they want.

» transmisión vía satélitesatellite transmission .

Example: In addition, satellite transmission is being used experimentally for videoconferencing.

» vía de transmisión de datosdata pathwaypathway .

Example: This may provide an alternative data pathway to the traditional telephone network.

Example: A backbone is a high-speed line or series of connections that forms a major pathway within a network.

transmisión2 = tranny [trannie] ; transmission. 

Example: Mike also broke his tranny but he had an extra one with him.Example: He never even completed a lap before breaking his transmission.


» accionado por árbol de transmisiónshafting powered .

Example: The machinery would be belt-driven from shafting powered, probably, by a gas engine.

» árbol de transmisióndriveshaft .

Example: To do a proper checkout, you need to remove the driveshaft and pull the bearing cups off.

» líquido de transmisióntransmission fluid .

Example: Chapter 10 covers the following: changing oil filter; checking automatic transmission fluid; replacing fan belt; and replacing headlight.

» polea de transmisióndriving pulley .

Example: The required contact pressure of the conveyor belt to the driving pulley is achieved by means of a tensioning device.

» transmisión automáticaautomatic transmission .

Example: Chapter 10 covers the following: changing oil filter; checking automatic transmission fluid; replacing fan belt; and replacing headlight.

» transmisión manualmanual transmission .

Example: The reverse gear on any car with a manual transmission is an incredibly simple piece of machinery.

Trasmisión synonyms

infection in spanish: infección, pronunciation: ɪnfekʃən part of speech: noun contagion in spanish: contagio, pronunciation: kənteɪdʒən part of speech: noun transmittal in spanish: transmisión, pronunciation: trænsmɪtəl part of speech: noun transmittance in spanish: transmitancia, pronunciation: trænsmɪtəns part of speech: noun transmitting in spanish: transmitiendo, pronunciation: trænsmɪtɪŋ part of speech: noun
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