Trasiego in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

trasegar = decant. 

Example: Last year's sloe gin has been steeping for ten months now - it's time to decant.

trasiego = comings and goings. 

Example: The Governor believes his comings and goings should be secret from taxpayers.

Trasiego synonyms

change in spanish: cambio, pronunciation: tʃeɪndʒ part of speech: noun, verb shift in spanish: cambio, pronunciation: ʃɪft part of speech: noun, verb channel in spanish: canal, pronunciation: tʃænəl part of speech: noun transport in spanish: transporte, pronunciation: trænspɔrt part of speech: noun transportation in spanish: transporte, pronunciation: trænspɜrteɪʃən part of speech: noun transpose in spanish: transponer, pronunciation: trænspoʊz part of speech: verb, noun conveyance in spanish: transporte, pronunciation: kənveɪəns part of speech: noun remove in spanish: retirar, pronunciation: rimuv part of speech: verb transmit in spanish: transmitir, pronunciation: trænzmɪt part of speech: verb transplant in spanish: trasplante, pronunciation: trænsplænt part of speech: noun generalization in spanish: generalización, pronunciation: dʒenɜrəlɪzeɪʃən part of speech: noun transference in spanish: transferencia, pronunciation: trænsfɜrəns part of speech: noun reassign in spanish: reasignar, pronunciation: riəsaɪn part of speech: verb carry-over in spanish: Continuar, pronunciation: kæriəwɑvɜr part of speech: noun transferral in spanish: transferencia, pronunciation: trænsferəl part of speech: noun channelize in spanish: canalizar, pronunciation: tʃænəlaɪz part of speech: verb transfer of training in spanish: transferencia de entrenamiento, pronunciation: trænsfɜrʌvtreɪnɪŋ part of speech: noun
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