Transportista in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

transportista = transport worker ; trucker ; haulier [hauler, -USA]. 

Example: In 1949 the author, now professor at the Institute of Library Science at the Berlin Freie Universitat, was a transport worker at Berlin Airport during the Allied airlift.Example: Findings show that truckers have few commonalities with other worker groups; their work is solitary, & they are by definition flexible.Example: We won't see real disruption unless British hauliers act en masse against fuel prices.


» huelga de transportistastrucker strikehaulage strikelorry strikeroad haulage strikehaulier strike .

Example: It's been talked about all over the news, the Internet, and the blogosphere, that a trucker strike is imminent.

Example: The Government last week caved in to a national haulage strike, agreeing to reduce fuel costs and crack down on cheap foreign competition.

Example: The sudden spurt in crime in the city over the last few days has also been linked to the lorry strike.

Example: Many of Douala's three million people stayed indoors and kept stores closed after a road haulage strike was announced for Monday, fearing that the protest could turn violent.

Example: The demonstration coincides with haulier strikes in Spain and Portugal as commercial drivers across Europe face crippling costs for petrol and diesel.

Transportista synonyms

bearer in spanish: portador, pronunciation: berɜr part of speech: noun postman in spanish: cartero, pronunciation: poʊstmən part of speech: noun toter in spanish: totero, pronunciation: toʊtɜr part of speech: noun mailman in spanish: cartero, pronunciation: meɪlmæn part of speech: noun flattop in spanish: superficie plana, pronunciation: flætəp part of speech: noun newsboy in spanish: vendedor de periódicos, pronunciation: nuzbɔɪ part of speech: noun aircraft carrier in spanish: portaaviones, pronunciation: erkræftkæriɜr part of speech: noun mail carrier in spanish: cartero, pronunciation: meɪlkæriɜr part of speech: noun common carrier in spanish: transportista común, pronunciation: kɑmənkæriɜr part of speech: noun carrier wave in spanish: onda portadora, pronunciation: kæriɜrweɪv part of speech: noun letter carrier in spanish: cartero, pronunciation: letɜrkæriɜr part of speech: noun attack aircraft carrier in spanish: portaaviones de ataque, pronunciation: ətækerkræftkæriɜr part of speech: noun
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