Transporte in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

transportar = carry ; carry over ; haul ; transport ; cart ; carry away ; ferry. 

Example: Cable TV systems have now been introduced in the United States that have the technical ability to carry two-way signals.Example: A modem is an electronic device which converts or modulates data coming from a computer into audio tunes which can be carried over normal phone lines and demodulates incoming tones from the phone line into data that can be used by the computer.Example: However, he would prefer a binding that will stand up to being stuffed into after-hours book drops and being hauled from one library to another.Example: And it takes little imagination to conceive of future combinations and developments to existing systems, not to speak of new and even more sophisticated means of storing, retrieving and transporting information.Example: In England, this job fell to the nightmen, who came after dark to cart the city waste into the countryside for fertilizer.Example: When the cells use the oxygen, they make carbon dioxide and other stuff that gets carried away by the blood.Example: Celebrities will even hire chauffeured cars to ferry their children to school because they feel this is a safer option.


» caja para transportar librosbook bin .

Example: There is a need for libraries to include the cost of a move early on in the project plans, trouble experienced with new shelving, the use of book bins, and the fact that closure of the library during the move is not necessary.

» ser transportadobe taken away .

Example: Anyone who loves to be taken away by a good travel yarn will find 'Rude Awakenings' a great adventure.

» transportar atake + Nombre + back to [Referido al pasado] .

Example: Becker takes the topic all the way back to the Coonskin Library and frontier days.

» transportar al pasadosend + Nombre + back in time .

Example: His songs are gathering dust somewhere, waiting to be discovered by someone who will invent a time machine and send them back in time.

» transportar en autobúsbus [Pasado y Participio bussed/bused, participio presente bussing/busing] .

Example: He informed me last spring that he was dedicating 30% of his budget to bussing all his staff back and forth each day.

» transportar en camióntruck .

Example: The houses are built, then taken apart and trucked to where they are needed and then re-assembled.

» transportar enfermedadescarry + disease .

Example: This film explains that germs live in dirt, carry disease, and can be washed away as part of one's personal cleanliness habits.

» transportar en trineosledgesled .

Example: Like the milk the pigs were sledged down the hill and the butcher, Mr Narbey, would come and pick them up in his truck.

Example: A roadway was carved up the gorge and logs were sledded down during the first winter of operations.

» transportar por aireairlift .

Example: A family of four were airlifted to hospital after being hit by falling rocks while they were fossil hunting on a beach.

transporte = carrying ; transport ; conveyance ; transit ; transportation ; porterage ; movement ; haulage ; cartage ; drayage. 

Example: This article gives instructions for installing an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) in a mobile library van (bookmobile) thus enabling the carrying of a computer on board.Example: Similarly, if we substitute 'mass media' for 'television' or 'transport' instead of 'land transport' specificity is lost.Example: In these circumstances the book is primarily a medium for the conveyance of information of one sort or another = In these circumstances the book is primarily a medium for the conveyance of information of one sort or another.Example: This article calls attention to dangers of deterioration of photographs, caused by exhibition and transit.Example: This paper discusses the farming techniques, transportation, and economics of the onion industry.Example: The price includes porterage based on one suitcase per person.Example: She is a dynamic dancer and expresses her movements with ultimate power.Example: Haulage, also called cartage or drayage, is the horizontal transport of ore, coal, supplies, and waste.Example: Haulage, also called cartage or drayage, is the horizontal transport of ore, coal, supplies, and waste.Example: Haulage, also called cartage or drayage, is the horizontal transport of ore, coal, supplies, and waste.


» agencia de transportestransportation companytransport company .

Example: Out of 18 different education programs conducted by small companies, two-thirds were conducted by manufacturing companies, the remainder were in health services, construction, or transportation companies.

Example: Unti recently many transport companies in the public domain have published annual reports and accounts but with privatisation taking place, this is now not always the case.

» bono de transporte públicotravel card .

Example: Travel cards can be used for as many journeys as you like during their period of validity.

» caja para el transporte de Algocarrying box .

Example: There are even a library that lends pets for a 3-day period together with cage, waterer, feed pan, enough food for the period, carrying box and set of instructions.

» departamento de transportestransport authorities .

Example: China's transport authorities plan to scrap dilapidated ships to enhance safety and improve the competitiveness of the industry.

» durante el transportein transit .

Example: Boxing is essential for the proper storage of prints and drawings and other unbound materials, for bound volumes that require extra protection and for the protection of materials in transit.

» ensamblaje de transportecarriage assembly [Conjunto de piezas de las primeras prensas tipográficas compuesto por la forma y el papel sobre el que se realizaba la impresión y sobre el que aplicaba el mecanismo de presión] .

Example: The first printing presses had two moving parts: the carriage assembly, which carried the type and paper in and out of the press, and the impression assembly, by means of which the paper was pressed down on to the inked type.

» enviable por transporteshippable  .

Example: This e-commerce solution is ideal for businesses or companies that wish to sell shippable goods/products to online shoppers.

» facilidad de transportetransportability .

Example: With no other type of structure is it possible to obtain clear, widespan coverage of almost unlimited areas, translucency to permit uniform daylight, and transportability or relocatability.

» forma de transporteform of transport .

Example: Alternative forms of transport should be encouraged and international laws introduced to control car ownership and use.

» gastos de transportefreight charges .

Example: Soon, if, as it is planned, freight charges are introduced for book cartons consigned within the State, this library service will be no more = Pronto dejará de existir este servicio bibliotecario si, como está planeado, se introducen gastos de transporte por las cajas de cartón con libros que se consignen dentro del estado.

» huelga del transportelorry striketrucker strikehaulage strikeroad haulage strikehaulier strike .

Example: The sudden spurt in crime in the city over the last few days has also been linked to the lorry strike.

Example: It's been talked about all over the news, the Internet, and the blogosphere, that a trucker strike is imminent.

Example: The Government last week caved in to a national haulage strike, agreeing to reduce fuel costs and crack down on cheap foreign competition.

Example: Many of Douala's three million people stayed indoors and kept stores closed after a road haulage strike was announced for Monday, fearing that the protest could turn violent.

Example: The demonstration coincides with haulier strikes in Spain and Portugal as commercial drivers across Europe face crippling costs for petrol and diesel.

» huelga del transporte públicopublic transport strike .

Example: The Paris public transport strike that began last Tuesday evening is slated to continue through at least early this week.

» industria del transporte aéreo, laair cargo industry, the .

Example: By promoting the adoption and use of those standards by the air cargo industry, a very high degree of safety has been achieved in dangerous goods transport.

» medio de transportemeans of transportmeans of transportation .

Example: In fact buses were the earliest means of transportation for many a few decades ago and still serve as the mode of transport that many uses even today.

Example: In doing so he provided Muscovites with more than a means of transportation around the capital; he gave them a chance to harden their characters, to temper their spirits in the forge of Soviet misanthropy.

» ministerio de transportestransport authorities .

Example: China's transport authorities plan to scrap dilapidated ships to enhance safety and improve the competitiveness of the industry.

» ministro de transportetransport secretary .

Example: Christa Kranzl, the Austrian Transport Secretary, said complete denationalisation of road haulage would harm competition.

» modo de transportemode of transport .

Example: In fact buses were the earliest means of transportation for many a few decades ago and still serve as the mode of transport that many uses even today.

» proteína de transportecarrier protein .

Example: Three different synthetic polyvalent vaccines have been constructed by conjugating four synthetic peptides without any carrier protein.

» ruta de transportetransportation route .

Example: Conventional wisdom asserts that crime follows and thrives around major transportation routes = La opinión general afirma que la delincuencia sigue y crece alrededor de las principales rutas de transporte.

» servicio especial de transporteshuttleshuttle service .

Example: Twice weekly shuttles run between the main campus and Gulf Porch, with interloans, mail and equipment.

Example: Reservations for the shuttle service need to be made at least 48 hours in advance.

» sistema de transportetransport system .

Example: The replacement of the horse and cart by the motor truck has improved the transport system.

» sistema de transporte públicopublic transport system .

Example: Should delegates wish to stay further afield (possibly to be more in the centre of nightlife) then use can be made of Glasgow's extensive public transport system.

» transporte adaptadoadaptive vehicle .

Example: A reputable adaptive vehicle dealer will know the ins and outs of each particular model available, and will be able to help you find the vehicle that will best suit your needs and your budget.

» transporte aéreoair freight [airfreight]air transportair transportationair cargoairlift .

Example: This way periodicals arrive quickly by air freight and can be bought at USA prices, cheaper than those in Europe.

Example: Besides the main unit for this development which covers technology there are special units dealing with fermentation and biotechnology; hospital organisation and building theory; air transport; and fruit cultivation.

Example: The grant is to cover the cost of travel (economy class air transportation) to and from the host country of the conference, registration, hotel costs and a per diem allowance.

Example: Thus you can rest assured your goods by air cargo, bulk ocean freight or containerized shipment will receive the very best care at all times.

Example: In 1949 the author, now professor at the Institute of Library Science at the Berlin Freie Universitat, was a transport worker at Berlin Airport during the Allied airlift.

» transporte de materialfreight forwarding .

Example: This will include a time schedule for the Exhibition and order forms for services such as audio-visual equipment, freight forwarding, furniture, insurance, Internet and telephone connections etc.

» transporte de mercancíashaulage .

Example: Haulage, also called cartage or drayage, is the horizontal transport of ore, coal, supplies, and waste.

» transporte de mercancías peligrosashazardous goods transportdangerous goods transport .

Example: It's our goal to offer safe, effective and affordable hazardous goods transport when you need it -- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Example: By promoting the adoption and use of those standards by the air cargo industry, a very high degree of safety has been achieved in dangerous goods transport.

» transporte de pasajerospassenger transport .

Example: This article concentrates on the problems of passenger transport in urban areas.

» transporte escolarschool transport .

Example: A Government working party has been set up to review school transport and to report on any changes that may be required.

» transporte local públicolocal public transport .

Example: The legal and organisational frameworks for local public transport are undergoing significant changes in order to ensure quality of service.

» transporte marítimosea freightocean freight .

Example: Whether you are shipping your entire household or simply a few key items, we offer a cost effective sea freight service to many international destinations.

Example: Thus you can rest assured your goods by air cargo, bulk ocean freight or containerized shipment will receive the very best care at all times.

» transporte por camióntrucking .

Example: Trucking is one of the largest growing industry sectors in the United States.

» transporte por carreteraroad transportroad haulage .

Example: Into this category would come the regulations covering social provisions in respect of road transport, such as drivers' hours and the use of tachographs, which have an impact on the provision of public transport.

Example: Christa Kranzl, the Austrian Transport Secretary, said complete denationalisation of road haulage would harm competition.

» transporte por tierraland transport .

Example: Similarly, if we substitute 'mass media' for 'television' or 'transport' instead of 'land transport' specificity is lost.

» transporte públicopublic transportationpublic transportmass transportationmass transit .

Example: There are many urgent problems confronting the council of Junctionville: inadequate water and sewage facilities, limited public transportation, polluted air, excessive power costs, crime.

Example: Into this category would come the regulations covering social provisions in respect of road transport, such as drivers' hours and the use of tachographs, which have an impact on the provision of public transport.

Example: The bibliography presents studies on the use of various communications media to inform the public on issues, such as mass transportation, driving safety, water resources, health, pollution, and law enforcement.

Example: Such modest expenditure should not be denied at a time when support of mass transit and prudent use of natural resources are favoured.

» transporte terrestreground transportationroad haulageland freight .

Example: These served as forerunners of ground transportation.

Example: Christa Kranzl, the Austrian Transport Secretary, said complete denationalisation of road haulage would harm competition.

Example: Land freight is the best way to ship goods over short to medium distances.

» transporte urbanolocal transport .

Example: Furthermore, such visitors spend larger sums on shopping, meals, hotel bills, local transport, etc.

» transporte urbano públicolocal public transport .

Example: The legal and organisational frameworks for local public transport are undergoing significant changes in order to ensure quality of service.

» vehículo blindado para el transporte de tropasarmoured personnel carrierpersonnel carrier .

Example: A roadside bomb struck a US armored personnel carrier in Baghdad, killing all seven American soldiers inside.

Example: Each platoon's personnel carriers followed the dismounted elements of the platoon.

» vehículo de transporte de pasajerospassenger vehicle .

Example: It turns out most passenger vehicle tires already have a date stamped on them.

Transporte synonyms

ship in spanish: enviar, pronunciation: ʃɪp part of speech: noun channel in spanish: canal, pronunciation: tʃænəl part of speech: noun transfer in spanish: transferir, pronunciation: trænsfɜr part of speech: noun carry in spanish: llevar, pronunciation: kæri part of speech: verb delight in spanish: deleite, pronunciation: dɪlaɪt part of speech: noun send in spanish: enviar, pronunciation: send part of speech: verb ecstasy in spanish: éxtasis, pronunciation: ekstəsi part of speech: noun transportation in spanish: transporte, pronunciation: trænspɜrteɪʃən part of speech: noun rapture in spanish: éxtasis, pronunciation: ræptʃɜr part of speech: noun conveyance in spanish: transporte, pronunciation: kənveɪəns part of speech: noun transmit in spanish: transmitir, pronunciation: trænzmɪt part of speech: verb ravish in spanish: violar, pronunciation: rævɪʃ part of speech: verb enthrall in spanish: cautivar, pronunciation: enθrəl part of speech: verb enchant in spanish: encantar, pronunciation: entʃænt part of speech: verb shipping in spanish: Envío, pronunciation: ʃɪpɪŋ part of speech: noun exaltation in spanish: exaltación, pronunciation: ɪgzɔlteɪʃən part of speech: noun enrapture in spanish: extasiar, pronunciation: enræptʃɜr part of speech: verb enthral in spanish: cautivar, pronunciation: enθrɔl part of speech: verb channelize in spanish: canalizar, pronunciation: tʃænəlaɪz part of speech: verb tape drive in spanish: unidad de cinta, pronunciation: teɪpdraɪv part of speech: noun tape transport in spanish: transporte de cinta, pronunciation: teɪptrænspɔrt part of speech: noun
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