Transparencia in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

transparencia = slide ; transparency ; acetate sheet ; overhead slide ; overhead projection transparency ; seamlessness ; disclosure ; pellucidity. 

Example: A slide is a piece of transparent material on which there is a two-dimensional image, usually held in a mount, and designed for use in a projector or viewer.Example: A transparency is a sheet of transparent material bearing an image and designed for use with an overhead projector or a light box.Example: The teacher may use pre-prepared acetate sheets home-produced using a spirit-based pen to ensure permanence.Example: The main form of knowledge transfer and the basis for decision making within corporations has not been a paper, a document or a detailed report, but a set of overhead slides and the discussions around them.Example: The catalogue covers filmstrips, slides, films, filmloops, portfolios, posters, charts, overhead projection transparencies, kits, cassettes, gramophone records, work cards, educational games, spirit masters, etc.Example: The article covers the growth in World Wide Web based products, pricing, seamlessness, outsourcing, ease of use, and partnerships and alliances.Example: The patent abstract is a concise statement of the technical disclosure of the patent and must emphasize that which is new in the context of the invention.Example: The parameter that is so imperative to the brilliance of a diamond, and is often unknown to the consumer, is called pellucidity or diaphaneity.


» proyección de transparenciasoverhead projection .

Example: This paper offers advice and tips on the use of visual aids concentrating on the basic aids of slide projection and overhead projection.

» transparencia de sobreposiciónoverlay [Transparencia que se superpone a otra modificando la información que ésta presenta de algun modo] .

Example: An overlay is a transparent sheet containing matter that, when superimposed on another sheet, modifies the data on the latter.

» transparencia de superposiciónoverlay transparency .

Example: The Propaedia is not illustrated except for a set of overlay transparencies that show the principal parts of the human body.

Transparencia synonyms

foil in spanish: frustrar, pronunciation: fɔɪl part of speech: noun transparentness in spanish: transparencia, pronunciation: trænsperəntnəs part of speech: noun transparence in spanish: transparencia, pronunciation: trænsperəns part of speech: noun
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