Transición in english


pronunciation: none part of speech: none
In gestures

transición = transition ; bridge passage ; changeover [change-over]. 

Example: Hierarchical relationships must be indicated in order that users may make the transition from a first access point to related terms or access points.Example: This sort of informal discussion between teacher and pupils is really a 'bridge passage' leading smoothly from one occupation -science, or P.E. or maths, etc.- to literary reading.Example: The changeover has resulted in more rapid machine-editing of input and reduced costs for cataloguing.


» economía en transicióntransitional economy .

Example: I would like to explore how information and communication technologies will impact on transitional economies as well as developed nations.

» en una época de transiciónin a period of transition .

Example: The message is, of course, that we are always in a period of transition and have been from the beginning of time.

» en un período de transiciónin a period of transition .

Example: The message is, of course, that we are always in a period of transition and have been from the beginning of time.

» hacer la transiciónmake + the transition .

Example: Learning takes place in one environment but is put to work in another, and the learner is left to make the transition.

» nación en transicióntransitional nationtransitional country .

Example: The author suggests an eclectic approach to library development in the transitional nations of Africa.

Example: A new study finds that entrenched corruption remains a principal obstacle to democracy in transitional countries throughout the world.

» país en transicióntransitional economytransitional nationtransitional country .

Example: I would like to explore how information and communication technologies will impact on transitional economies as well as developed nations.

Example: The author suggests an eclectic approach to library development in the transitional nations of Africa.

Example: A new study finds that entrenched corruption remains a principal obstacle to democracy in transitional countries throughout the world.

» transición políticapolitical transition .

Example: With the current political transitions in Europe, the relocation of national, regional, and ethnic archives is once again a timely issue.

» zona de transiciónbuffer zone .

Example: It was part of an artificial defense system, a buffer zone to slow down enemy incursions.

Transición synonyms

passage in spanish: paso, pronunciation: pæsədʒ part of speech: noun conversion in spanish: conversión, pronunciation: kənvɜrʒən part of speech: noun modulation in spanish: modulación, pronunciation: mɑdʒəleɪʃən part of speech: noun changeover in spanish: cambio, pronunciation: tʃeɪndʒoʊvɜr part of speech: noun
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