Tramposo in english


pronunciation: tʃit part of speech: verb, noun
In gestures

tramposo = shifty ; cheater ; cardsharp ; dishonest ; tricky ; cheat ; bluffer. 

Example: 'Client' has overtones of shifty lawyers and overpaid realtors.Example: Intenrnet also enables enterprising would-be cheaters to cut and paste material for easy and relatively thought-free composition of essay assignments.Example: He was a cold-blooded killer, cardsharp, gambler and a consumptive who also ran several confidence scams.Example: Mostly facsimiles are made without dishonest intent, although some have certainly been intended to deceive, and the ease with which they can be identified varies with the reproduction process used.Example: She was tricky and she had the house keys first and when I got to the house all her stuff was in the big room and she 'bagsed' it first.Example: Whatever the truth is in these cases, the world was reminded yet again that scoundrels, cheats and deceivers abound in the higher echelons of human society.Example: Why are poets such bluffers and prevaricators, such dotards in the face of the bald truth?.

Tramposo synonyms

beat in spanish: golpear, pronunciation: bit part of speech: verb, noun screw in spanish: tornillo, pronunciation: skru part of speech: noun cuckold in spanish: cornudo, pronunciation: kʌkəld part of speech: noun shaft in spanish: eje, pronunciation: ʃæft part of speech: noun wander in spanish: deambular, pronunciation: wɑndɜr part of speech: verb tare in spanish: tara, pronunciation: ter part of speech: noun betray in spanish: traicionar, pronunciation: bɪtreɪ part of speech: verb swindle in spanish: estafa, pronunciation: swɪndəl part of speech: noun, verb jockey in spanish: jockey, pronunciation: dʒɑki part of speech: noun chess in spanish: ajedrez, pronunciation: tʃes part of speech: noun chicane in spanish: crítica, pronunciation: tʃəkeɪn part of speech: noun sell short in spanish: vender corto, pronunciation: selʃɔrt part of speech: verb darnel in spanish: darnel, pronunciation: dɑrnəl part of speech: noun chouse in spanish: lo elegido, pronunciation: tʃaʊs part of speech: verb trickster in spanish: embaucador, pronunciation: trɪkstɜr part of speech: noun cheater in spanish: tramposo, pronunciation: tʃitɜr part of speech: noun rip off in spanish: arrancar, pronunciation: rɪpɔf part of speech: verb cheating in spanish: engañando, pronunciation: tʃitɪŋ part of speech: noun deceiver in spanish: engañador, pronunciation: dɪsivɜr part of speech: noun cheat on in spanish: engañar a, pronunciation: tʃitɑn part of speech: verb bearded darnel in spanish: darnel barbudo, pronunciation: bɪrdəddɑrnəl part of speech: noun lolium temulentum in spanish: lolium temulentum, pronunciation: loʊliəmtemjəlentəm part of speech: noun bromus secalinus in spanish: bromus secalinus, pronunciation: broʊməsɪkəlɪnəs part of speech: noun
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