Trampa in english


pronunciation: træp part of speech: noun
In gestures

trampa = pitfall ; trap ; snare ; catch ; ambush ; entrapment ; chicanery ; trick ; gaff ; kicker ; smoke and mirrors. 

Example: Nevertheless, it is worth drawing a comparison between them so that menu-based information retrieval systems might avoid some of the pitfalls of traditional classification.Example: This article discusses benefits along with goals to be aimed for and traps to be avoided.Example: Whilst telematics for Africa is full of snares, it is the way towards the road to mastery in the future.Example: Whilst these achievements are commendable, there is a catch in them -- there can be used to 'intensify' the economic exploitation of women.Example: Although 'Ambush' will be published in hardcover in several international markets, including Brazil, France and Spain, it will available only in audio format in the USA.Example: A similar linear relationship between age and entrapment indicated that as librarians mature, they become bound to their line of work because of accumulated investments and decreased career options = A similar linear relationship between age and entrapment indicated that as librarians mature, they become bound to their line of work because of accumulated investments and decreased career options.Example: With zeal, perseverance, charm, and even chicanery, they recruited and trained the 1st users.Example: But if variable-length keys are not supported by a data base, various tricks are often necessary to provide access to the library data which has inherently variable-length keys.Example: There are magicians that choose not to work with gaffs of any type because they want to take magic in new directions.Example: The kicker is that this type of money transfer service is less convenient and no safer than many online money transfers.Example: The truth is that the government has relied for years on smoke and mirrors to create the illusion of sound finances in the face of a serious budget deficit.


» bomba trampabooby trap .

Example: Every Friday we meet and learn about cool stuff like mines, bridges and booby traps then on field days we put all this into practice .

» caer en la trampafall into + the trapfall for + itfall into + the snare .

Example: It is very easy to fall into the trap of enjoying the act of telling stories and reading aloud so much that the children never get a chance to read themselves.

Example: The classic form of April fool hoax is to present an improbable situation in such a convincing way that people fall for it on the spur of the moment but later cannot understand why they did so.

Example: Perhaps guided by caprice or a dream, we all can fall into the snares of destiny without realizing it = Quizás guiados por un capricho o por un sueño, todos podemos caer en las trampas del destino sin darnos cuenta.

» caer en una trampatumble into + pitfall .

Example: Life is full of pitfalls, into which the innocent often tumble.

» caza con trampastrapping .

Example: The vast majority of hunted game is killed with a firearm; other hunting methods (bow-hunting, trapping, capturing with decoys, etc.) are less significant.

» hacer trampafiddle .

Example: Thus, the wrong impression was gained, for instance, when the olive oil subsidies were being 'fiddled' in Italy.

» ordenador trampahoneypot .

Example: A honeypot is a decoy computer system designed to look like a legitimate system an intruder will want to break into while, unbeknownst to the intruder, they are being covertly observed.

» picar en una trampafall for + a jokefall for + it .

Example: Some people understood the joke and laughed, others fell for the joke and took it seriously.

Example: The classic form of April fool hoax is to present an improbable situation in such a convincing way that people fall for it on the spur of the moment but later cannot understand why they did so.

» poner una bomba trampabooby-trap .

Example: Electricity pylons, many in town centres, are booby-trapped with mines, grenades and mortars in Bubanza province.

» poner una trampa explosivabooby-trap .

Example: Electricity pylons, many in town centres, are booby-trapped with mines, grenades and mortars in Bubanza province.

» pregunta con trampatricky question .

Example: Tricky questions help you improve your thinking abilities and are the right food for critical thinking.

» sin hacer trampafair and square .

Example: Kevin wants to play and win or lose fair and square.

» sin trampa ni cartónthe real McCoythe real thing .

Example: Using a popular idiom, we might inquire, 'Is this the real McCoy'?.

Example: In the meantime, we keep looking through the foggy window, trying to convince ourselves that what we see is the real thing.

» trampa antitanquestank trap .

Example: These tank traps were the last line of defence against an enemy sea invasion of the coast during World War II.

» trampa cazabobosbooby trap .

Example: Every Friday we meet and learn about cool stuff like mines, bridges and booby traps then on field days we put all this into practice .

» trampa de la pobrezapoverty trap [Teoría según la cual el pobre siempre seguirá siéndolo al no disponer de las opurtunidades para salir de la pobreza] .

Example: The poverty trap argument depends on children's work being substitutable for schooling.

» trampa explosivabooby trap .

Example: Every Friday we meet and learn about cool stuff like mines, bridges and booby traps then on field days we put all this into practice .

» trampa mortaldeath trap .

Example: The highways across the country have virtually become death traps as there are apparently no authorities to control reckless driving.

» trampa para ratasrat trap .

Example: Kittens are curious creatures, so you'll need to keep yours away from rat traps.

Trampa synonyms

hole in spanish: agujero, pronunciation: hoʊl part of speech: noun pin in spanish: alfiler, pronunciation: pɪn part of speech: noun, verb maw in spanish: fauces, pronunciation: part of speech: noun snare in spanish: trampa, pronunciation: sner part of speech: noun ambush in spanish: emboscada, pronunciation: æmbʊʃ part of speech: noun bunker in spanish: búnker, pronunciation: bʌŋkɜr part of speech: noun trammel in spanish: traba, pronunciation: træməl part of speech: noun, verb yap in spanish: ladrar, pronunciation: jæp part of speech: noun ensnare in spanish: entrampar, pronunciation: ɪnsner part of speech: verb ambuscade in spanish: emboscada, pronunciation: æmbəskeɪd part of speech: noun entrap in spanish: entrampar, pronunciation: ɪntræp part of speech: verb immobilize in spanish: inmovilizar, pronunciation: ɪmoʊbəlaɪz part of speech: verb lying in wait in spanish: acechando, pronunciation: laɪɪŋɪnweɪt part of speech: noun, adjective sand trap in spanish: trampa de arena, pronunciation: sændtræp part of speech: noun
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