Traicionar in english


pronunciation: bɪtreɪ part of speech: verb
In gestures

traicionar = betray ; backstab ; double-cross. 

Example: Librarians must not allow their professionalism to betray them into imposing a well-meaning censorship on what children should read in the way of escapist literature.Example: Form my history of clans , all 'alliances' between clans are acts of cowardice and usualy ends with some sneaky bitch backstabbing people.Example: When she double-crossed him and returned to the mobster, the detective changed his identity and dropped out of sight.


» sentirse traicionadofeel + a sense of betrayal .

Example: Still, many veterans of those days must feel a sense of betrayal.

» traicionar los ideales de uno mismobetray + Posesivo + own ideals .

Example: Nevertheless the librarian must avoid the opposite extreme and he must avoid betraying his own ideals of freedom by attempting to assert his own ideas and values.

» traicionar los principios de uno mismobetray + Posesivo + own principles .

Example: The author examines the dominance of liberal anticommunism in McCarthyism, when professed liberals 'abjectly betrayed their own principles'.

» traicionar + Posesivo + confianzabreak + Posesivo + trust .

Example: Now regardless of my side of the story and my intentions, in this situation her perception is what counts and in her eyes I broke her trust.

» traicionar + Posesivo + valoresbetray + Posesivo + values .

Example: So if ALA won't speak out when books are burned and librarians are tossed into the Cuban gulag, then they would betray the values drilled into us in graduate school.

Traicionar synonyms

grass in spanish: hierba, pronunciation: græs part of speech: noun shop in spanish: tienda, pronunciation: ʃɑp part of speech: noun rat in spanish: rata, pronunciation: ræt part of speech: noun cuckold in spanish: cornudo, pronunciation: kʌkəld part of speech: noun sell in spanish: vender, pronunciation: sel part of speech: verb fail in spanish: fallar, pronunciation: feɪl part of speech: verb deceive in spanish: engañar, pronunciation: dɪsiv part of speech: verb wander in spanish: deambular, pronunciation: wɑndɜr part of speech: verb denounce in spanish: denunciar, pronunciation: dɪnaʊns part of speech: verb stag in spanish: ciervo, pronunciation: stæg part of speech: noun cheat in spanish: engañar, pronunciation: tʃit part of speech: verb, noun peach in spanish: melocotón, pronunciation: pitʃ part of speech: noun snitch in spanish: soplón, pronunciation: snɪtʃ part of speech: noun, verb give away in spanish: regalar, pronunciation: gɪvəweɪ part of speech: verb bewray in spanish: bewray, pronunciation: bɪreɪ part of speech: verb tell on in spanish: soplarse, pronunciation: telɑn part of speech: verb lead astray in spanish: extraviar, pronunciation: ledəstreɪ part of speech: verb cheat on in spanish: engañar a, pronunciation: tʃitɑn part of speech: verb
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