Tradicional in english


pronunciation: trədɪʃənəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

tradicional1 = time-honoured ; traditional ; established ; old-fashioned ; tradition-bound ; ancestral ; standard ; conventional ; folkloristic ; folkloric ; tweedy ; brick(s) and mortar ; timeworn. 

Example: The time-honoured training institution 'sitting with Nellie' is not much good if Nellie's competence is not up to scratch.Example: It may well be that the computer-based environment of such systems may overcome many of the limitations of enumerative classification schemes in their traditional applications.Example: These are trends designed to to break down boundaries of exclusivity erected by established professions to exploit their monopolistic advantages.Example: One is tempted to say that the enthusiasts for postcoordinate systems, being forced to admit reluctantly that control was necessary, couldn't bear to use the old-fashioned term 'list of subject headings'.Example: Tradition-bound acquisitions librarians may soon find themselves expendable -- acceptance of new technologies is essential for the survival of the acquisitions librarian.Example: All the libraries reflect colonial influence but there is a strong movement towards the study of their ancestral heritage.Example: Photographs are normally kept in drawers of standard filing cabinets, with folders or pockets, or both.Example: The foregoing discussion concerning analytical entries assumes implicitly a conventional catalogue format, that is, card, microform or other printed catalogue.Example: The cult of information forms the catalyst for a discussion of the ways in which information has acquired folkloristic status as the major way in which people look at the world.Example: Such recordings often originate in field work and are ethnomusicological, ethnolinguistic or folkloric in content.Example: No bright new digital firm can do without at least some of the supposedly decrepit bureaucracy it so abhors in the old tweedy institutions it wants to replace.Example: Advocates of the virtual university assume that the Internet can be used to replace the bricks and mortar campus.Example: But beyond the honeymoon hotels and resorts, Polynesian life goes on and timeworn traditions are preserved.


» arte tradicionalfolk art .

Example: The author discusses the abstract style and patterns of Norwegian folk art, especially weaving, embroidery, and wood carving.

» biblioteca tradicionalbrick and mortar library .

Example: The author considers what can and cannot be done with a virtual library, and analyses the relationship between virtual libraries and brick and mortar libraries.

» biblioteca traditionalphysical library .

Example: The physical library will probably become less viable over time and so it is important to decouple the information professional from the library unit.

» costumbre tradicionaltraditional custom .

Example: He challenged the government to demonstrate its commitment to preserving traditional custom and culture by establishing a master plan.

» cultura tradicionaltraditional culture .

Example: He challenged the government to demonstrate its commitment to preserving traditional custom and culture by establishing a master plan.

» estilo tradicionaltraditional style .

Example: Traditional style scientific articles can be downloaded from it to laser printers, bypassing the journal printing process.

» literatura tradicionalfolk literature .

Example: The date of the publication of Bishop Thomas Percy's 'Reliques of ancient English poetry' made the study of folk literature academically respectable.

» mercado tradicionaltraditional market .

Example: Considers the emerging market and the traditional market for library-information professionals, in conjunction with the stereotype as a conditioner of acceptability in new employment venues.

» modo de vida tradicionalfolklife .

Example: This article provides a selective list of available Internet resources covering all aspects of folklore and folklife.

» museo tradicionalfolk museumfolklore museum .

Example: The overall mission of this folk museum is to preserve the past for the future.

Example: This folklore museum depicts the architectural and cultural history of different regions of the country.

» no tradicionalnon-traditional [nontraditional] .

Example: Fee-for-service programmes can target non-traditional market segments such as pharmaceutical companies, lawyers, and manufacturing firms who regularly need and willingly pay a premium price for perishable medical information.

» seguir los esquemas tradicionalesthink within + the box .

Example: I think what he alludes to is the tendency of those whom we entrust with power to think within the box rather than outside the box.

» ya tradicionallong-established .

Example: The latter statement undervalues long-established interests of SLIS in the field of information and ignores frequently attested movement of SLIS personnel into non-library information posts.

tradicional2 = traditional. 

Example: The article has the title 'Things that go bump in the night: net newbies are maturing -- and making things scary for the traditionals'.

Tradicional synonyms

conventional in spanish: convencional, pronunciation: kənvenʃənəl part of speech: adjective orthodox in spanish: ortodoxo, pronunciation: ɔrθədɑks part of speech: adjective time-honored in spanish: honrado por el tiempo, pronunciation: taɪmhoʊnɜrd part of speech: adjective tralatitious in spanish: tralativo, pronunciation: trælətɪʃəs part of speech: adjective time-honoured in spanish: honrado por el tiempo, pronunciation: taɪmhənaʊrd part of speech: adjective handed-down in spanish: entregado, pronunciation: hændəddaʊn part of speech: adjective traditionalistic in spanish: tradicionalista, pronunciation: trədɪʃənəlɪstɪk part of speech: adjective
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