Tozudez in english


pronunciation: stʌbɜrnnəs part of speech: noun
In gestures

tozudez = stubbornness. 

Example: In the past, there has seemed to be a stubbornness on the part of the Library of Congress to update ethnic and racial, as well as sexual and medical subject headings.

Tozudez synonyms

obstinacy in spanish: obstinación, pronunciation: ɑbstənəsi part of speech: noun obstinance in spanish: obstinación, pronunciation: ɑbstənəns part of speech: noun self-will in spanish: voluntad propia, pronunciation: selfwɪl part of speech: noun pigheadedness in spanish: cabezonería, pronunciation: pɪgidɪdnəs part of speech: noun bullheadedness in spanish: bullheadedness, pronunciation: bʊlhədednəs part of speech: noun mulishness in spanish: terquedad, pronunciation: mjulɪʃnəs part of speech: noun
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