Toxemia in english


pronunciation: tɑksəmiə part of speech: noun
In gestures

toxemia = toxaemia [toxemia, -USA]. 

Example: Toxaemia is a disease of the last trimester of pregnancy and its first sign is usually a rise in blood pressure followed by albuminuria and oedema.


» toxemia de embarazopregnancy toxaemiatoxaemia of pregnancy .

Example: Ketosis, or pregnancy toxaemia, occurs in cattle, sheep and goats .

Example: This chapter discusses toxaemia of pregnancy and eclampsia, two of the main causes of maternal mortality in history.

Toxemia synonyms

toxaemia in spanish: toxemia, pronunciation: tɑʒəmiə part of speech: noun toxemia of pregnancy in spanish: toxemia del embarazo, pronunciation: tɑksəmiəvpregnənsi part of speech: noun
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