Total in english


pronunciation: toʊtəl part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

total1 = tally [tallies, pl.] ; total ; count ; grand total. 

Example: As the various parts of the record are entered, the document summary indicates the additions by the tallies opposite the record parts.Example: Someone must read a total on the card, so that the machine can add its computed item to it.Example: Not much data beyond loan counts was available and re-keying and remanipulations were frequently needed to make the information useful.Example: The grand total of 4,300 exhibitors was 4 per cent up on 1996.


» calcular el totalwork out + the total .

Example: Can you work out the total and tell me how you got the answer?.

» de un total de + Cantidadout of a total of + Cantidad .

Example: Out of a total of 600 visitors, only 200 consulted the library catalogue.

» el total dethe total sum ofthe sum total ofthe full range of .

Example: It is the type of compound that is of primary importance to researchers in chemistry, not the total sum of individual compounds that fall under it.

Example: There was a time when the sum total of human knowledge was sufficiently small for one man to be able to comprehend it all.

Example: This will make it yet more difficult for the information worker and the end user to keep up to date with the full range of data bases.

» total acumuladocumulative total .

Example: See how to create a formula that adds cumulatively and a formula that calculates the percent cumulative total.

» total acumulativocumulative total .

Example: See how to create a formula that adds cumulatively and a formula that calculates the percent cumulative total.

» total comprometidaencumbrance .

Example: Accrual accounting, by means of which funds are considered expended at the time of encumbrance irrespective of when invoices are paid, is their preferred method of controlling expenditure = La contabilidad de valores devengados, según la cual la cantidad comprometida se considera como dinero gastado independientemente de cuándo se abonen las facturas, es su método preferido de control de gastos.

» total comprometidoaccrual .

Example: This has allowed us to move towards an accrual system of accounting whereby estimates are prepared in which expenditure is tied to specified outputs.

» total de caloríascalorie count .

Example: This innovative product is a tablet of chocolate whose portions come printed with calorie counts carved directly on the surface.

» total de préstamoscirculation figures .

Example: A less rigorous interpretation of the data indicates a negative relationship between circulation figures and local unemployment rates.

» total devengadoencumbranceaccrual .

Example: Accrual accounting, by means of which funds are considered expended at the time of encumbrance irrespective of when invoices are paid, is their preferred method of controlling expenditure = La contabilidad de valores devengados, según la cual la cantidad comprometida se considera como dinero gastado independientemente de cuándo se abonen las facturas, es su método preferido de control de gastos.

Example: This has allowed us to move towards an accrual system of accounting whereby estimates are prepared in which expenditure is tied to specified outputs.

» un total dea universe ofa total of .

Example: Generally, we buy from an annual universe of perhaps 35,000 to 40,000 English-language, American-published trade titles.

Example: A total of 87 non-library meetings were held in our hall by a variety of community organizations.

total2 = complete ; full ; thorough ; total ; end to end ; supine ; unrelieved ; utter ; gavel to gavel ; systemic ; overarching ; ultimate ; avowed ; out-and-out ; certified ; unmitigaged ; fully blown ; unreserved ; fulsome ; overall ; wall-to-wall ; blithering ; full-on ; compleat ; all-(a)round ; full-blown. 

Example: The main entry is the complete catalogue record of the document.Example: Since recall goes up as precision goes down, it is clearly not possible to achieve in general a system which gives full recall at the same time as full precision.Example: Timely and thorough planning is essential.Example: This situation requires a very skilled information worker if total disaster is to be avoided.Example: Next morning the heap, now damp right through, was set up on one end of the horse (later called the bank), a bench long enough to take two piles of paper end to end, and about as high as the coffin of the press.Example: 'I was saying that we shouldn't have a supine acceptance for temporary limitations'.Example: Although the slave narratives were usually intended to serve in the cause of abolition, not all of them were bitter, unrelieved tirades against the institution of slavery, but rather there were frequently moments of relieving laughter.Example: There is little to be said for this grudging acceptance or utter rejection of pseudonyms.Example: A survey of state legislators finds that lawmakers support expanding television coverage of legislative proceedings to include gavel to gavel programming.Example: There is a need for an examination of the whole process of information dissemination from a 'systemic' framework.Example: There appears to be an unhealthy tendency among information technology professionals to elevate any single, highly successful practical experience instantly into an overarching paradigm for managerial success.Example: The whole project is undeniably full of sentimental, cinephiliac rapture, but it provided the ultimate opportunity for filmmakers to talk feverishly about the basic nature of their medium.Example: Anne Bogart's novel combines avowed misogyny with postfeminist frolic = Anne Bogart's novel combines avowed misogyny with postfeminist frolic.Example: Such an appraoch is unlikely to improve the social sciences unless valid informaton can first be distinguished from out-and-out incorrect information.Example: She is a certified TV-addict -- you simply cannot talk to her when she's glued to the box.Example: Only Bush could take a horrible situation and create an unmitigated disaster.Example: This time it's a hairline fracture rather than a fully blown break of a metatarsal, however the result is the same.Example: It is also important that we all give them our unreserved support.Example: She was strangely attractive, though dressed in fulsome black, a veil over head and face.Example: There is not necessarily any overall plan for the development and maintenance of the schedules.Example: It was wall-to-wall crowds, ambulances could not get through and forget being able to buy so much as a coke without an hour wait.Example: Never before have we seen such blithering incompetence.Example: They are waging a full-on assault in the fight against hunger in the city.Example: Not since those heady days in the early 60's have I seen such a compleat (yes, it is a correct spelling, just old, like me) performance.Example: The finest and most influential of these French italics were the work of Robert Granjon, an artist of the stature of his countryman and near-contemporary Garamont and one of the greatest all-round type designers of any period.Example: Reference transactions can range from the ready-reference, or short-answer question, to the full-blown research inquiry to establish methodology.


» calcular el coste totalwork out + the total cost .

Example: A mortgage expert can help you work out the total costs involved in buying a property.

» cambio totalturnaroundturnabout [turn-about] .

Example: This article describes how an innovative response to the problem led to a turnaround in the company's fortunes.

Example: Current uncertainties and frustrations are creating a possible turn-about by many academic librarians from their 1969 position of demanding equal status with faculty.

» control totalstrangleholdchokehold .

Example: Its notability is seen to lie in the fact that it has significantly broken the stranglehold upon postgraduate studentships in the gift of the Science and Engineering Research Council.

Example: He was detained by police in a chokehold and later died from a heart attack en route to the hospital.

» conversión totaldesuperimposition [En catalogación, proceso de adaptar completamente a las reglas de catalogación actualmente en uso los registros anteriormente sólo se había adaptado parcialmente superimposition (conversión parcial)] .

Example: Desuperimposition will be handled through the name authority file.

» de movimiento totalfull-motion .

Example: A multimedia computer system can integrate two or more types of media materials in digital form, such as audio, image, full-motion video, and text information.

» derrota totalshutout [En el deporte, derrota en la que el equipo perdedor no anota ni un solo tanto] .

Example: I think the overall objective was to get the win and finish the game, but the goose egg (shutout) at the end was a statement for our defense.

» dominio totalstrangleholdchokehold .

Example: Its notability is seen to lie in the fact that it has significantly broken the stranglehold upon postgraduate studentships in the gift of the Science and Engineering Research Council.

Example: He was detained by police in a chokehold and later died from a heart attack en route to the hospital.

» en totalall toldaltogetherin alloverall [Adverbio]in totalin toto .

Example: There are eighteen entries all told under the latter heading, so the search is not particularly tedious.

Example: Altogether between twenty and thirty data bases are offered.

Example: In all 20 per cent of visitors went out of the bookshop with a book they had intended to buy, 15 per cent went out with a book they had not intended to buy and 67 went out with both intended and unintended purchases.

Example: Overall, neither system proved ideal: LEXINET was deficient as regards lack of accessibility and excessive ambiguity; while the manual system gave rise to an over-wide variation of terms.

Example: 35 students are admitted each semester, and in total about 390 students enrolled.

Example: Serials control in toto consists of a number of elements which are more or less closely related.

» estar en control totalstay in + full control .

Example: It seems he never gets into a fret, always stays in full control.

» estar lleno totalbe a full house .

Example: There will be a full house and we'll have to give them a guard of honour.

» éxito repentino y totalflush of success .

Example: The flush of success with AACR1 gave the code compilers and cataloguers the confidence to criticise the new code with the object of further refining it.

» éxito toalthumping success .

Example: Their quilted jackets are a thumping success as they not only look trendy but are very comfortable as well.

» éxito totalrecord successroaring success .

Example: Despite threatening skies and warm temperatures, the 20th annual Festival in Sycamore enjoyed record success.

Example: From the beginning the library was a roaring success; 10,000 readers registered before it even opened = Desde el comienzo la biblioteca tuvo un éxito contundente: 10.000 lectores se habían inscrito incluso antes de abrir.

» fiasco totaltotal write-offcomplete failure .

Example: Not expecting much from a chain pizza restaurant, we thought the day was going to be total write-off.

Example: The League of Nations was a comically ham-handed debacle which collapsed in complete failure, disgracing all who were associated with it.

» fracaso totalcomplete failuretotal write-off .

Example: The League of Nations was a comically ham-handed debacle which collapsed in complete failure, disgracing all who were associated with it.

Example: Not expecting much from a chain pizza restaurant, we thought the day was going to be total write-off.

» haber lleno totalbe a full house .

Example: There will be a full house and we'll have to give them a guard of honour.

» hacerse con el control total detake + full control of .

Example: This is seen as a significant move towards taking full control of Afghanistan's airspace which has hitherto been under the control of NATO.

» integración totalseamlessness  .

Example: The article covers the growth in World Wide Web based products, pricing, seamlessness, outsourcing, ease of use, and partnerships and alliances.

» la suma total dethe total sum ofthe sum total of .

Example: It is the type of compound that is of primary importance to researchers in chemistry, not the total sum of individual compounds that fall under it.

Example: There was a time when the sum total of human knowledge was sufficiently small for one man to be able to comprehend it all.

» limpieza totalclean sweep .

Example: Strategies advocated include the clean sweep of all items in a subject collection.

» necesitar + Posesivo + atención totalbe a full-time job .

Example: She was often a little too bold and way too trusting and it was a full-time job keeping her out of danger.

» Número + en totalNúmero + in number .

Example: The other systematic schedules, 38 in number, relate to particular classes of persons or things, eg 13 for subclassification under any disease or disorder, 7 for special subjects relative to any personage.

» oscuridad totalpitch blacknesspitch darkness .

Example: But just as she pulled over the road in the pitch blackness of night she heard the unceasing sound of the night like she had never heard it.

Example: One more reason is that in pitch darkness your torchlight can pick up the eyes of animals easily and in turn the animals cannot see beyond the blinding light.

» rechazo totalbold statement against .

Example: Vivid and even poetic at times, this text has a profound pathos and a rich story in addition to being a bold statement against literary elitism.

» ser una pérdida totalbe a dead loss .

Example: There is now never the need for someone with a hair problem to feel that the problem cannot be solved; hair loss is no longer a dead loss!.

» ser un fracaso totalbe singularly unsuccessful .

Example: Efforts at that time to reduce per capita alcohol consumption were singularly unsuccessful.

» ser un total extrañonot know + Pronombre + from a hole in the wallnot know + Pronombre + from Adambe a total stranger .

Example: Although my father 'didn't know her from a hole in the wall,' he walked into a bank and vouched for her creditworthiness.

Example: But the man in the street wouldn't know them from Adam.

Example: She is now obsessed with needing to understand why a total stranger would sacrifice his life to save hers.

» síndrome de alergia totaltotal allergy syndrome .

Example: 'Twentieth-century disease,' or 'total allergy syndrome,' is a condition attributed to hypersensitivity to the environment that may sometimes be seen as so serious that the patient is incapable of living in the modern world = "La enfermedad del siglo veinte", o el "síndrome de alergia total", es un síntoma atribuído a la hipersensibilidad al ambiente que ocasionalmente puede parecer tan serio que el paciente es incapaz de vivir en el mundo moderno.

» siniestro totalwrite-off [writeoff]total write-offtotal wreckwritten-off .

Example: This page contains information on how to deal with a claim if a vehicle is a write-off.

Example: This helicopter crashed 4 days after this picture was taken and was a total write-off.

Example: A bomber plane was a total wreck when it crash-landed today returning from a test flight = Un bombardero quedó siniestro total al realizar un atterrizaje de emergencia hoy cuando volvía de un vuelo de pruebas.

Example: The gang used the vehicle numbers from written-off cars found in scrapyards in Belgium.

» suma totalsum totalcount .

Example: A facet, then, is the sum total of isolates formed by the division of a subject by one characteristic of division.

Example: Not much data beyond loan counts was available and re-keying and remanipulations were frequently needed to make the information useful.

» tener un lleno totalhave + a full househave + a packed house .

Example: We had a full house for the weekend including two very happy and well-behaved young dogs.

Example: Last week we had a packed house so come early to get a seat!.

» tomar el control total detake + full control of .

Example: This is seen as a significant move towards taking full control of Afghanistan's airspace which has hitherto been under the control of NATO.

» total atenciónundivided attention .

Example: Work that requires consistent and undivided attention should not be brought to the reference desk.

» total y completamentecompletely and utterly .

Example: I am completely and utterly head over heels in love with this girl.

Total synonyms

number in spanish: número, pronunciation: nʌmbɜr part of speech: noun come in spanish: ven, pronunciation: kʌm part of speech: verb aggregate in spanish: agregar, pronunciation: ægrəgət part of speech: noun, adjective complete in spanish: completar, pronunciation: kəmplit part of speech: adjective, verb gross in spanish: bruto, pronunciation: groʊs part of speech: adjective, noun absolute in spanish: absoluto, pronunciation: æbsəlut part of speech: adjective whole in spanish: todo, pronunciation: hoʊl part of speech: adjective, noun overall in spanish: en general, pronunciation: oʊvɜrɔl part of speech: adjective full in spanish: completo, pronunciation: fʊl part of speech: adjective tally in spanish: cuenta, pronunciation: tæli part of speech: noun sum in spanish: suma, pronunciation: sʌm part of speech: noun amount in spanish: cantidad, pronunciation: əmaʊnt part of speech: noun add in spanish: añadir, pronunciation: æd part of speech: verb entire in spanish: todo, pronunciation: ɪntaɪɜr part of speech: adjective tot in spanish: nene, pronunciation: tɑt part of speech: noun unconditional in spanish: incondicional, pronunciation: ənkəndɪʃənəl part of speech: adjective totality in spanish: totalidad, pronunciation: toʊtæləti part of speech: noun sum up in spanish: resumir, pronunciation: sʌmʌp part of speech: verb add up in spanish: agregar, pronunciation: ædʌp part of speech: verb summate in spanish: sumar, pronunciation: sʌmət part of speech: verb unconditioned in spanish: incondicional, pronunciation: ənkəndɪʃənd part of speech: adjective add together in spanish: añadirlos a la vez, pronunciation: ædtəgeðɜr part of speech: verb tot up in spanish: levantarse, pronunciation: tɑtʌp part of speech: verb tote up in spanish: empacar, pronunciation: toʊtʌp part of speech: verb
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