Tortillera in english


pronunciation: daɪk part of speech: noun
In gestures

tortillera = dyke ; fagette ; lesbo. 

Example: Unfortunately, some inflammatory and offensive discourses appear over the network, including such words as 'bitch', 'fag', 'fagette', and 'dyke'.Example: Unfortunately, some inflammatory and offensive discourses appear over the network, including such words as 'bitch', 'fag', 'fagette', and 'dyke'.Example: If the lesboes and homos had their way in the world, there wouldn't be any reproduction of the human race.

Tortillera synonyms

dam in spanish: presa, pronunciation: dæm part of speech: noun levee in spanish: dique, pronunciation: levi part of speech: noun dike in spanish: dique, pronunciation: daɪk part of speech: noun butch in spanish: marimacho, pronunciation: bʊtʃ part of speech: noun, adjective
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