Tortazo in english


pronunciation: klaʊt part of speech: noun
In gestures

tortazo = blow ; swipe ; slap in the face ; slap ; cuff ; whack. 

Example: The Great War of 1914-18 was a heavy blow for the Bulletin, from which it never really recovered, and in the 1920s it gradually sank under its own weight, helped by a forced move from its previous quarters to make room for a trade fair.Example: In fact it is an exaltation of the Kyoto protocol and a thinly disguised swipe at those countries who have not signed up.Example: He was not kidding when he said that Caracas could greet travellers with a slap in the face rather than a warm hug.Example: And actually a good slap is said to be statistically more likely to result in a child with agression and conduct problems, you may be interested to hear.Example: He caught a kid shoplifting in his store, gave him a good cuff on the side of his head and kicked him out the door.Example: Suddenly there was a loud 'whack-whack-whack' and I looked back to see the guide slapping the water with his fishing pole.


» darse un tortazocome + a cropper .

Example: With the rain, the limestone rocks and stiles were very slippy and at least one of our party came a cropper.

» dar un tortazogive + Nombre + a blowdeal + a blowstrike + a blowcuffslapslap in the face .

Example: It was as if she had been given a dizzying blow = Fue como si le hubieran dado un golpe y se hubiera mareado.

Example: The Internet has dealt a blow to the librarian's comfortable role as an information gatekeeper at the centre of the information providing business.

Example: This ultimately resulted in a Supreme Court decision that supported the defendants, striking what the music industry claimed would be a 'mortal blow' to its livelihood.

Example: He cuffed her so hard across the face that she staggered and fell.

Example: Suddenly there was a loud 'whack-whack-whack' and I looked back to see the guide slapping the water with his fishing pole.

Example: Today one of the nursing students was slapped in the face by a grumpy old man.

» dar un tortazo en la orejabox + Posesivo + ears .

Example: I merely boxed her ears soundly and shook her until her teeth rattled -- it's the only way to deal with hysterical women.

» tortazo en la orejabox in the ear .

Example: You grew up and you learnt to keep your eyes lowered because if you raised your eyes you didn't know whether you were going to get an insult or a box in the ear.

Tortazo synonyms

clout nail in spanish: clavo de presión, pronunciation: klaʊtneɪl part of speech: noun
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