Tormentoso in english


pronunciation: stɔrmi part of speech: adjective
In gestures

tormentoso1 = stormy ; thunderstormy ; thundery ; tempestuous. 

Example: The stormy period of the 50s and 60s are considered to have seriously damaged the cause of improving the salaries of librarians.Example: It is a dark and thunderstormy night, although weather radar seems to indicate it'll pass within about an hour.Example: Heavy rain and thundery downpours are expected to batter the country on Mother's Day.Example: But soon a tempestuous wind, called the northeaster, struck down from the land.


» tiempo tormentosostormy weather .

Example: It is also particularly important to check tyre pressure in stormy weather.

tormentoso2 = torturous. 

Example: He describes his existence as 'torturous' and I can certanily relate to that feeling.

Tormentoso synonyms

rough in spanish: áspero, pronunciation: rʌf part of speech: adjective wild in spanish: salvaje, pronunciation: waɪld part of speech: adjective fierce in spanish: feroz, pronunciation: fɪrs part of speech: adjective angry in spanish: enojado, pronunciation: æŋgri part of speech: adjective boisterous in spanish: bullicioso, pronunciation: bɔɪstɜrəs part of speech: adjective furious in spanish: furioso, pronunciation: fjʊriəs part of speech: adjective dirty in spanish: sucio, pronunciation: dɜrti part of speech: adjective tempestuous in spanish: tempestuoso, pronunciation: tempestʃuəs part of speech: adjective windy in spanish: Ventoso, pronunciation: wɪndi part of speech: adjective blustery in spanish: tempestuoso, pronunciation: blʌstɜri part of speech: adjective choppy in spanish: picado, pronunciation: tʃɑpi part of speech: adjective breezy in spanish: ventoso, pronunciation: brizi part of speech: adjective gusty in spanish: borrascoso, pronunciation: gʌsti part of speech: adjective raging in spanish: furioso, pronunciation: reɪdʒɪŋ part of speech: adjective squally in spanish: turbulento, pronunciation: skwɔli part of speech: adjective surging in spanish: surgiendo, pronunciation: sɜrdʒɪŋ part of speech: adjective billowy in spanish: ondulante, pronunciation: bɪloʊi part of speech: adjective blusterous in spanish: brumoso, pronunciation: blʌstɜrəs part of speech: adjective blowy in spanish: ventoso, pronunciation: bloʊi part of speech: adjective thundery in spanish: trueno, pronunciation: θʌndɜri part of speech: adjective unpeaceful in spanish: poco pacífico, pronunciation: ənpisfəl part of speech: adjective
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