pronunciation: tɑnɪk
part of speech: adjective, noun
tónica1 = keynote.
Example: Co-operative, carefully planned and financed internationally backed efforts have been the keynote of more recent activity.
» ser la tónica general
= be the norm
Example: Low interest rates will likely be the norm during the next two to three years.
» ser la tónica habitual
= be the usual thing
Example: Taking your date out for dinner or a movie is the usual thing to do these days.
» ser la tónica normal
= be the usual thing
Example: Taking your date out for dinner or a movie is the usual thing to do these days.
tónica2 = tonic water.
Example: Tonic water is the kind of provision you don't normally buy, but occasionally really need -- and there aren't any real substitutes.
» ginebra con tónica
= gin and tonic
Example: Unfortunately he's also discovered a liking for my gin and tonic so I have to keep it out of his reach.
Tónica synonyms
in spanish: popular,
pronunciation: pɑp
part of speech: noun, verb, adjective
in spanish: Fresco,
pronunciation: freʃ
part of speech: adjective
in spanish: enérgico,
pronunciation: brɪsk
part of speech: adjective
in spanish: soda,
pronunciation: soʊdə
part of speech: noun
in spanish: fundamental,
pronunciation: kinoʊt
part of speech: noun
in spanish: vigorizante,
pronunciation: breɪsɪŋ
part of speech: noun, adjective
in spanish: vigorizante,
pronunciation: ɪnvɪgɜreɪtɪŋ
part of speech: adjective
in spanish: tonal,
pronunciation: toʊnəl
part of speech: adjective
in spanish: refrescante,
pronunciation: rɪfreʃɪŋ
part of speech: adjective
in spanish: reconstituyente,
pronunciation: rəstɔrətɪv
part of speech: adjective
in spanish: acentuado,
pronunciation: æksentɪd
part of speech: adjective
soda pop
in spanish: gaseosa,
pronunciation: soʊdəpɑp
part of speech: noun
in spanish: energizante,
pronunciation: enɜrdʒaɪzɪŋ
part of speech: noun
tonic water
in spanish: agua tónica,
pronunciation: tɑnɪkwɔtɜr
part of speech: noun
soda water
in spanish: agua con gas,
pronunciation: soʊdəwɔtɜr
part of speech: noun
in spanish: refrescante,
pronunciation: rɪfreʃfəl
part of speech: adjective
quinine water
in spanish: agua de quinina,
pronunciation: kwaɪnaɪnwɔtɜr
part of speech: noun