Ton in english


pronunciation: tʌn part of speech: noun
In gestures



» gastar dinero sin ton ni songo on + a spending spree .

Example: During the nineties, perhaps in celebration of their seeming success in making loads of money in stocks, consumers went on a spending spree.

» hablar sin ton ni sontalk through + Posesivo + hat .

Example: Any lawyer who claims to be able to foresee perfectly the court's custody ruling, given the complexity of the issues at stake, is talking through his hat.

» lanzarse sin ton ni sondive (in) + head-firstplunge in + head-first .

Example: This article criticises the profession's readiness to dive head-first into the latest technology.

Example: Kingfishers are often seen perched on a branch or rock close to water before plunging in head-first after their fish prey.

» no tener (ni) ton ni sonthere + be + no rhyme or reason .

Example: There's no rhyme or reason to her choices, she's the only one who knows why she chooses the way she does.

» sin ton ni sonfor no reasonfor no specific reasonfor no particular reasonfor no good reasonwithout rhyme or reasonjust like thataimlessly .

Example: When women frequently go to family restaurants, this leads to them going out of their homes excessively for no reason, which goes against the command of Allah.

Example: On February 20, 2000, she was arrested at home by police for no specific reason and illegally detained for fifteen days.

Example: Nearly a third of internet users go online on a typical day for no particular reason, just for fun or to pass the time.

Example: He was refering to the unbelievable action taken by the riot police who for no good reason decided to go to town on innocent fans.

Example: Many disliked the movement, which was abstract and appeared to be without rhyme or reason.

Example: All I have to say is nothing happens just like that overnight, it takes time and exhausting waiting.

Example: A new study has cautioned parents from allowing their teenage children to roam aimlessly without any supervision.

Ton synonyms

long ton in spanish: tonelada larga, pronunciation: lɔŋtʌn part of speech: noun short ton in spanish: tonelada corta, pronunciation: ʃɔrttʌn part of speech: noun net ton in spanish: tonelada neta, pronunciation: nettʌn part of speech: noun gross ton in spanish: tonelada bruta, pronunciation: groʊstʌn part of speech: noun
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