Tarro in english


pronunciation: dʒɑr part of speech: noun
In gestures

tarro = jar. 

Example: She wrote the following article 'Of books, manuscripts and jars of snakes: reference service in the museum, archives and records management section'.


» comerle el tarro a Alguienbrainwash .

Example: 'Boy, have you been brainwashed! You've been taken in by the tobacco industry', she said = Ella dijo: "¡Chico, te han lavado el cerebro! la industrial del tabaco te ha timado".

» comerse el tarrodwell on/uponrack + Posesivo + brain(s) [Escrito también wrack + Posesivo + brain(s)] .

Example: One of the best things you can do for your peace of mind is to learn how to stop dwelling on the errors of the past.

Example: She racked her brains for a way out but could not find anything successful.

» tapa de tarrojar lid .

Example: One of the most common problems in the modern kitchen is dealing with tight jar lids.

» tarro de mermeladajam jar .

Example: An old cartwheel suspended from the ceiling is hung with jam jars in which there are tiny candles.

» tarro de mielhoney pot .

Example: The energy requirements of the bee colonies were manipulated by the experimenter who emptied the honey pots or added sugar syrup to them.

Tarro synonyms

clash in spanish: choque, pronunciation: klæʃ part of speech: noun jolt in spanish: sacudida, pronunciation: dʒoʊlt part of speech: noun collide in spanish: chocar, pronunciation: kəlaɪd part of speech: verb jounce in spanish: saltar, pronunciation: dʒaʊns part of speech: noun, verb shake up in spanish: agitar, pronunciation: ʃeɪkʌp part of speech: verb jarful in spanish: jarra, pronunciation: dʒɑrfəl part of speech: noun bump around in spanish: golpear alrededor, pronunciation: bʌmpɜraʊnd part of speech: verb
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