Tangente in english
pronunciation: tændʒənt part of speech: noun
pronunciation: tændʒənt part of speech: noun
In gestures

tangente = tangent.
Example: The sine, cosine, and tangent functions are introduced in Unit 4 which also utilizes graphing calculators.more:
» irse por la tangente = wander off + track ; wander off + topic ; go off at/on + a tangent ; go off + the track ; get off + the track ; fly off at/on + a tangent ; wander off + point ; go off + point ; get off + point .
Example: You may find that it is easy to find ourself wandering off track, following something that really interests you, and ultimately not answering the question. Example: Occasional wandering off topic is allowed, but should be kept to a bare minimum. Example: The book encourages the reader to go off on a tangent and wander from thought to thought endlessly. Example: The Commission, however, goes off the track with its structural and institutional recommendations on how to ensure the long-term availability of public information resources = No obstante, la Comisión se sale por la tangente con sus recomendaciones estructurales e institucionales sobre cómo asegurar la disponibilidad a largo plazo de los recursos de información pública. Example: 'This discussion is getting off the track,' he said politely = "Esta discusión se está saliendo por la tangente", dijo cortésmente. Example: There's a real danger of flying off on a tangent while writing about this as it for once is purely about politics and there's 'nowt' as controversial as that. Example: When everyone understands what the meeting is supposed to achieve, there's less chance of the discussion wandering off point and wasting time. Example: These are the people and characters I wanted to add to my book, but couldn't quite prise them into my story without going off point. Example: If it is too long, boring or gets off point, I'll lose interest and not even finish the article or simply skip to the last paragraph to find out the conclusion.» salirse por la tangente = go off + the track ; get off + the track ; fly off at/on + a tangent ; go off at/on + a tangent ; wander off + track ; wander off + topic ; wander off + point ; go off + point ; get off + point .
Example: The Commission, however, goes off the track with its structural and institutional recommendations on how to ensure the long-term availability of public information resources = No obstante, la Comisión se sale por la tangente con sus recomendaciones estructurales e institucionales sobre cómo asegurar la disponibilidad a largo plazo de los recursos de información pública. Example: 'This discussion is getting off the track,' he said politely = "Esta discusión se está saliendo por la tangente", dijo cortésmente. Example: There's a real danger of flying off on a tangent while writing about this as it for once is purely about politics and there's 'nowt' as controversial as that. Example: The book encourages the reader to go off on a tangent and wander from thought to thought endlessly. Example: You may find that it is easy to find ourself wandering off track, following something that really interests you, and ultimately not answering the question. Example: Occasional wandering off topic is allowed, but should be kept to a bare minimum. Example: When everyone understands what the meeting is supposed to achieve, there's less chance of the discussion wandering off point and wasting time. Example: These are the people and characters I wanted to add to my book, but couldn't quite prise them into my story without going off point. Example: If it is too long, boring or gets off point, I'll lose interest and not even finish the article or simply skip to the last paragraph to find out the conclusion.