Tallista in english


pronunciation: kɑrvɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

tallista = woodworker. 

Example: 48 woodworkers with respiratory disorders employed in a furniture factory were examined.


» tallista en maderawood-carver .

Example: Kubbestols are Norwegian log chairs still made by some wood-carvers in Minnesota.

Tallista synonyms

cutter in spanish: cortador, pronunciation: kʌtɜr part of speech: noun sculptor in spanish: escultor, pronunciation: skʌlptɜr part of speech: noun woodcarver in spanish: tallador de madera, pronunciation: wʊdkɑrvɜr part of speech: noun sculpturer in spanish: escultor, pronunciation: skʌlptʃɜrɜr part of speech: noun statue maker in spanish: fabricante de estatuas, pronunciation: stætʃumeɪkɜr part of speech: noun
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