Tallar in english


pronunciation: kʌt part of speech: verb, noun
In gestures

tallar = carve ; cut ; carve out ; hew ; chisel. 

Example: What the presidency needs is a job description; not one carved in a tablet of stone and certainly not one which would form all future presidents in the same sanitised mould.Example: Fraktur, cut with a contrived formality that belied its cursive origins, became the most successful of all the gothic types, surviving as a book face in Germany until the mid twentieth century.Example: In consequence, deafened people have to carve out a sense of identity by developing associations & communicative strategies.Example: Oak was shaped by splitting with wooden wedges, and by hewing with axes or adzes.Example: It was a huge space with hundreds of workers, some digging ditches, some mixing cement, some laying bricks and one chiseling a piece of marble into a statue.


» cuchillo de tallarwood carving knife .

Example: Do not use the wood carving knife to scrape, as it will dull the blade.

» cuchillo para tallarwood carving knife .

Example: Do not use the wood carving knife to scrape, as it will dull the blade.

» diamante sin tallaruncut diamond .

Example: Three foreigners and a South African have been arrested in Cape Town after being found in possession of 20 uncut diamonds.

» tallar con una navajawhittle .

Example: It seems like the old pastime of sitting on the front porch whittling has officially been replaced by sitting on the couch watching TV.

Tallar synonyms

down in spanish: abajo, pronunciation: daʊn part of speech: adverb issue in spanish: problema, pronunciation: ɪʃu part of speech: noun style in spanish: estilo, pronunciation: staɪl part of speech: noun split in spanish: división, pronunciation: splɪt part of speech: verb, noun contract in spanish: contrato, pronunciation: kɑntrækt part of speech: noun hack in spanish: cortar, pronunciation: hæk part of speech: noun, verb sheer in spanish: escarpado, pronunciation: ʃɪr part of speech: adjective swing in spanish: oscilación, pronunciation: swɪŋ part of speech: noun, verb curve in spanish: curva, pronunciation: kɜrv part of speech: noun trend in spanish: tendencia, pronunciation: trend part of speech: noun slew in spanish: montón, pronunciation: slu part of speech: noun reduce in spanish: reducir, pronunciation: rədus part of speech: verb slit in spanish: corte largo, pronunciation: slɪt part of speech: noun trim in spanish: recortar, pronunciation: trɪm part of speech: noun, verb disregard in spanish: indiferencia, pronunciation: dɪsrɪgɑrd part of speech: noun, verb slash in spanish: barra oblicua, pronunciation: slæʃ part of speech: noun, verb thin in spanish: Delgado, pronunciation: θɪn part of speech: adjective snub in spanish: desaire, pronunciation: snʌb part of speech: noun, verb tailor in spanish: Sastre, pronunciation: teɪlɜr part of speech: noun, verb ignore in spanish: ignorar, pronunciation: ɪgnɔr part of speech: verb prune in spanish: ciruela pasa, pronunciation: prun part of speech: noun, verb skip in spanish: omitir, pronunciation: skɪp part of speech: verb, noun edit in spanish: editar, pronunciation: edət part of speech: verb veer in spanish: virar, pronunciation: vɪr part of speech: verb abridged in spanish: reducido, pronunciation: əbrɪdʒd part of speech: adjective slice in spanish: rebanada, pronunciation: slaɪs part of speech: noun, verb swerve in spanish: viraje, pronunciation: swɜrv part of speech: verb, noun abridge in spanish: abreviar, pronunciation: əbrɪdʒ part of speech: verb abbreviate in spanish: abreviar, pronunciation: əbrivieɪt part of speech: verb gash in spanish: tajo, pronunciation: gæʃ part of speech: noun dilute in spanish: diluido, pronunciation: daɪlut part of speech: adjective, verb rationalize in spanish: racionalizar, pronunciation: ræʃənəlaɪz part of speech: verb slue in spanish: torcer a, pronunciation: slu part of speech: verb turn out in spanish: apagar, pronunciation: tɜrnaʊt part of speech: verb cutting in spanish: corte, pronunciation: kʌtɪŋ part of speech: noun hewn in spanish: cortar, pronunciation: hjun part of speech: adjective make out in spanish: dar a entender, pronunciation: meɪkaʊt part of speech: verb cut off in spanish: cortar, pronunciation: kʌtɔf part of speech: verb, adjective shorten in spanish: acortar, pronunciation: ʃɔrtən part of speech: verb severed in spanish: cortado, pronunciation: sevɜrd part of speech: adjective stinger in spanish: aguijón, pronunciation: stɪŋɜr part of speech: noun injured in spanish: lesionado, pronunciation: ɪndʒɜrd part of speech: adjective perforated in spanish: perforado, pronunciation: pɜrfɜreɪtəd part of speech: adjective reduced in spanish: reducido, pronunciation: rədust part of speech: adjective clipped in spanish: cortado, pronunciation: klɪpt part of speech: adjective perforate in spanish: perforar, pronunciation: pɜrfɜreɪt part of speech: verb mown in spanish: segado, pronunciation: maʊn part of speech: adjective shredded in spanish: triturado, pronunciation: ʃredəd part of speech: adjective emasculated in spanish: emasculado, pronunciation: əmæskjuleɪtɪd part of speech: adjective felled in spanish: derribado, pronunciation: feld part of speech: adjective cut out in spanish: separar, pronunciation: kʌtaʊt part of speech: verb, adjective diluted in spanish: diluido, pronunciation: daɪlutəd part of speech: adjective deletion in spanish: supresión, pronunciation: dɪliʃən part of speech: noun incised in spanish: incisión, pronunciation: ɪnsaɪzd part of speech: adjective foreshorten in spanish: foreshorten, pronunciation: fɔrʃɔrtən part of speech: verb decreased in spanish: disminuido, pronunciation: dɪkrist part of speech: adjective crosscut in spanish: corte transversal, pronunciation: krɔskət part of speech: noun, verb slashed in spanish: recortado, pronunciation: slæʃt part of speech: adjective trimmed in spanish: recortado, pronunciation: trɪmd part of speech: adjective pierced in spanish: perforado, pronunciation: pɪrst part of speech: adjective bring down in spanish: reducir, pronunciation: brɪŋdaʊn part of speech: verb chopped in spanish: Cortado, pronunciation: tʃɑpt part of speech: adjective turn off in spanish: apagar, pronunciation: tɜrnɔf part of speech: verb downed in spanish: derribado, pronunciation: daʊnd part of speech: adjective sheared in spanish: esquilado, pronunciation: ʃɪrd part of speech: adjective cut down in spanish: reducir, pronunciation: kʌtdaʊn part of speech: verb, adjective shortened in spanish: acortado, pronunciation: ʃɔrtənd part of speech: adjective castrated in spanish: castrado, pronunciation: kæstreɪtɪd part of speech: adjective cold shoulder in spanish: hombro frío, pronunciation: koʊldʃoʊldɜr part of speech: noun gashed in spanish: desgarrado, pronunciation: gæʃt part of speech: adjective cut back in spanish: reducir, pronunciation: kʌtbæk part of speech: verb weakened in spanish: debilitado, pronunciation: wikənd part of speech: adjective cut up in spanish: cortar, pronunciation: kʌtʌp part of speech: verb, adjective gelded in spanish: gelded, pronunciation: geldɪd part of speech: adjective slitted in spanish: raja, pronunciation: slɪtəd part of speech: adjective, verb sliced in spanish: rebanado, pronunciation: slaɪst part of speech: adjective thin out in spanish: adelgazar, pronunciation: θɪnaʊt part of speech: verb punctured in spanish: pinchado, pronunciation: pʌŋktʃɜrd part of speech: adjective write out in spanish: escribir, pronunciation: raɪtaʊt part of speech: verb switch off in spanish: apagar, pronunciation: swɪtʃɔf part of speech: verb baseball swing in spanish: columpio de beisbol, pronunciation: beɪsbɔlswɪŋ part of speech: noun thinned in spanish: adelgazado, pronunciation: θɪnd part of speech: adjective trim down in spanish: recortar, pronunciation: trɪmdaʊn part of speech: verb hand-hewn in spanish: tallado a mano, pronunciation: hændhjun part of speech: adjective unsexed in spanish: sin sexo, pronunciation: ənsekst part of speech: adjective cutting off in spanish: cortando, pronunciation: kʌtɪŋɔf part of speech: noun edit out in spanish: editar, pronunciation: edətaʊt part of speech: verb cut of meat in spanish: corte de carne, pronunciation: kʌtʌvmit part of speech: noun trim back in spanish: recortar, pronunciation: trɪmbæk part of speech: verb
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