Taburete in english


pronunciation: stul part of speech: noun
In gestures

taburete = stool ; barstool. 

Example: He fell from his stool, passing out.Example: The model numbers are printed on a sticker on the underside of the barstool's seat.


» taburete de barbarstool .

Example: The model numbers are printed on a sticker on the underside of the barstool's seat.

Taburete synonyms

can in spanish: puede, pronunciation: kæn part of speech: noun, verb pot in spanish: maceta, pronunciation: pɑt part of speech: noun throne in spanish: trono, pronunciation: θroʊn part of speech: noun toilet in spanish: baño, pronunciation: tɔɪlət part of speech: noun feces in spanish: heces, pronunciation: fisiz part of speech: noun tiller in spanish: caña del timón, pronunciation: tɪlɜr part of speech: noun commode in spanish: cómoda, pronunciation: kəmoʊd part of speech: noun faeces in spanish: excrementos, pronunciation: fisɪz part of speech: noun potty in spanish: orinal, pronunciation: pɑti part of speech: adjective, noun ordure in spanish: excrementos, pronunciation: ɔrdjɜr part of speech: noun dejection in spanish: abatimiento, pronunciation: dɪdʒekʃən part of speech: noun bm in spanish: bm, pronunciation: bm part of speech: noun crapper in spanish: cagador, pronunciation: kræpɜr part of speech: noun fecal matter in spanish: materia fecal, pronunciation: fikəlmætɜr part of speech: noun faecal matter in spanish: materia fecal, pronunciation: feɪkəlmætɜr part of speech: noun
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