Tablado in english


pronunciation: plætfɔrm part of speech: noun
In gestures

tablado = wood flooring ; plank floor ; floor boards ; wooden flooring. 

Example: Wooden flooring such as parquet is becoming more and more popular around the world.Example: It still has its original plank floors and vintage pool table.Example: If you've ever tried removing old floor boards before you'll know what an utter bastard it can be.Example: When selecting a type of skirting, it is essential to ensure that the skirting matches the colour of the wooden flooring surface.

Tablado synonyms

program in spanish: programa, pronunciation: proʊgræm part of speech: noun platforms in spanish: plataformas, pronunciation: plætfɔrmz part of speech: noun political platform in spanish: plataforma política, pronunciation: pəlɪtəkəlplætfɔrm part of speech: noun chopine in spanish: chopine, pronunciation: ʃoʊpin part of speech: noun weapons platform in spanish: plataforma de armas, pronunciation: wepənzplætfɔrm part of speech: noun chopines in spanish: chopines, pronunciation: ʃoʊpinz part of speech: noun political program in spanish: programa politico, pronunciation: pəlɪtəkəlproʊgræm part of speech: noun
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