pronunciation: drɔ
part of speech: verb
sortear1 = raffle.
Example: One of the new features of this conference was the raffle, organized by asking delegates to bring gifts from their own countries to be raffled to raise funds to pay for delegates from the developing world to attend future IFLA conferences.
sortear2 = sidestep [side-step] ; dodge ; evade.
Example: This article discusses how to start projects on the right footing by defining objectives and planning properly to help sidestep pitfalls which can be associated with bespoke software development.Example: But he was wiry and wily, too, and he could often out-run, track, back-track, double-back, and finally dodge unseen in the subway.Example: Wastage is sometimes defined as material which temporarily or permanently has evaded the usual lending procedures due to misplacement, damage, non-registration, theft or non-returns.
» sortear una cuestión
= dodge + an issue
Example: I agree with you on your general point: I don't want to dodge the issue but I think we should listen to the papers on AACR first.
» sortear un obstáculo
= go (a)round/past + obstacles
Example: Electrons behave like waves, and waves, unlike particles, can go past obstacles in their path rather easily.
» sortear un pregunta
= field + a question
Example: Questions concerning stock, hours, staffing and so on cannot be fielded at random, nor with any degree of authority, if institutional priorities are not solidly in place.
sorteo = prize-draw [prize draw] ; raffle ; drawing ; draw ; lucky dip ; lucky draw ; draw of lots.
Example: There will be a prize-draw for free registrations for the IFLA 2002 Glasgow Conference for the participants who complete this survey.Example: This article presents a basic overview of Ohio law on gambling as a guide to library foundations which are considering lotteries, raffles, and other charitable gambling activities as a means of raising money.Example: It will be a small gathering in which we will have hors d'oeuvres as well as a prize in which the winner will be chosen by a random drawing.Example: The odds of winning or losing in a draw depends upon the number of entriessubmitted for each drawing.Example: The article 'Ephemera and art libraries: archive or lucky dip' argues that ephemera are valuable for the historical perspectives, social insights and visual stimuli they can generate.Example: Spend more than $100 and you will qualify to take part in a lucky draw where you stand the chance to win $2000 cash.Example: In case number of applications received is more than the flats available, allotment is made through draw of lots.
» ganar un sorteo
= win + a draw
Example: And such emotional reaction could prompt you to buy more lottery tickets (risking more capital) in the hope of winning the draw the next time!.
» sorteo de la lotería
= lottery draw
Example: On Wednesday night a single winner won a jackpot of £8531595 in the national lottery draw.
Sorteo synonyms
in spanish: mucho,
pronunciation: lɑt
part of speech: noun
in spanish: línea,
pronunciation: laɪn
part of speech: noun
in spanish: emitir,
pronunciation: kæst
part of speech: verb, noun
in spanish: obtener,
pronunciation: get
part of speech: verb
in spanish: fuerza,
pronunciation: fɔrs
part of speech: noun
in spanish: hacer,
pronunciation: meɪk
part of speech: verb
in spanish: retirar,
pronunciation: wɪðdrɔ
part of speech: verb
in spanish: gancho,
pronunciation: hʊk
part of speech: noun
in spanish: Corbata,
pronunciation: taɪ
part of speech: noun, verb
in spanish: rastro,
pronunciation: treɪs
part of speech: noun, verb
in spanish: tejer,
pronunciation: nɪt
part of speech: verb
in spanish: arrastrar,
pronunciation: dræg
part of speech: verb, noun
in spanish: delinear,
pronunciation: dɪlɪnieɪt
part of speech: verb
in spanish: contorno,
pronunciation: aʊtlaɪn
part of speech: noun, verb
in spanish: Halar,
pronunciation: pʊl
part of speech: verb, noun
in spanish: recorrido,
pronunciation: hɔl
part of speech: verb, noun
in spanish: describir,
pronunciation: dɪskraɪb
part of speech: verb
in spanish: representar,
pronunciation: dɪpɪkt
part of speech: verb
in spanish: soplo,
pronunciation: pʌf
part of speech: noun
in spanish: absorber,
pronunciation: əbzɔrb
part of speech: verb
in spanish: ha podido recuperar,
pronunciation: fetʃ
part of speech: verb
in spanish: destripar,
pronunciation: əvɪsɜreɪt
part of speech: verb
in spanish: chupar,
pronunciation: sʌk
part of speech: verb, noun
in spanish: beber,
pronunciation: ɪmbaɪb
part of speech: verb
in spanish: recoger,
pronunciation: rip
part of speech: verb
in spanish: atraer,
pronunciation: ətrækt
part of speech: verb
in spanish: atracción,
pronunciation: ətrækʃən
part of speech: noun
take up
in spanish: comenzar,
pronunciation: teɪkʌp
part of speech: verb
in spanish: punto muerto,
pronunciation: stændɔf
part of speech: noun
in spanish: berberecho,
pronunciation: kɑkəl
part of speech: noun
in spanish: fruncido,
pronunciation: pʌkɜr
part of speech: noun, verb
in spanish: arruga,
pronunciation: krʌmpəl
part of speech: verb
take out
in spanish: eliminar,
pronunciation: teɪkaʊt
part of speech: verb
take in
in spanish: tomar,
pronunciation: teɪkɪn
part of speech: verb
in spanish: acarreo,
pronunciation: hɔlɪdʒ
part of speech: noun
pull out
in spanish: extraer,
pronunciation: pʊlaʊt
part of speech: verb
in spanish: arrugar,
pronunciation: rʌmpəl
part of speech: verb
get out
in spanish: salí,
pronunciation: getaʊt
part of speech: verb
in spanish: desentrañar,
pronunciation: dɪsembəwel
part of speech: verb
suck up
in spanish: aspirar,
pronunciation: sʌkʌp
part of speech: verb
pull in
in spanish: tirar de,
pronunciation: pʊlɪn
part of speech: verb
draw in
in spanish: atraer,
pronunciation: drɔɪn
part of speech: verb
pull back
in spanish: echar para atrás,
pronunciation: pʊlbæk
part of speech: verb
soak up
in spanish: absorber,
pronunciation: soʊkʌp
part of speech: verb
sop up
in spanish: absorber,
pronunciation: sɑpʌp
part of speech: verb
drawing card
in spanish: tarjeta de dibujo,
pronunciation: drɔɪŋkɑrd
part of speech: noun
draw poker
in spanish: dibujar poker,
pronunciation: drɔpoʊkɜr
part of speech: noun
draw play
in spanish: dibujar juego,
pronunciation: drɔpleɪ
part of speech: noun