Sólido in english
pronunciation: sɑləd part of speech: adjective

» lo que se suele pagar = going rate, the ; going price, the .
Example: Young doctors' salary expectations exceed going rates. Example: I'm wondering what the going price for a good laying hen in your area is.» soler ser = be inclined to .
Example: Sets of fiche are inclined to become misfiled, and odd fiches may be lost.» solía = used to .
Example: One teacher I knew used to poke his head round the door just at the end of the day and say something like, 'Tomorrow when we meet I am going to tell you about the evil magician,' and then he would disappear leaving us all agog.sólido1 = solid.
Example: The properties of a solid depend heavily on the forces between the particles within it.more:
» sólido lácteo = milk solid .
Example: An account is given of the manufacture of caramel, toffee and fudge products, which contain milk solids and milk fat as basic ingredients.» sólido soluble = soluble solid .
Example: Freezable beverages can be made using a small amount of alcohol and a reduced amount of sorbitol or other soluble solids.sólido2 = robust ; firm ; solid ; sound ; strong ; stalwart ; rock solid ; well-founded ; articulated ; stout .
Example: Although microcomputers are relatively robust, they do not take kindly to frequent moves from one location to another, particularly on wheeled trollies.Example: Full consideration of the above factors should form a firm basis for the design of an effective thesaurus or list of subject headings.Example: The genesis of this brave new world of solid state logic, in which bibliographic data are reduced to phantasmagoria on the faces of cathode-ray tubes (CRT), extends at most only three-quarters of a decade into the dim past.Example: Thus the scheme has a sound organisational backing.Example: In fact, the 1979 index figures show a strong contrast between the hardback and paperback turnovers, with the hardback market being down and the paperback market up.Example: In the past decade or so, much stalwart work has been done in order to provide non-textbook reading material for primary school children.Example: The numbers in the ad, which are quite eye-opening, are rock-solid.Example: No citation order, no matter how well-founded, will prove suitable for every searcher.Example: The institutional impact of public libraries on social capital has been studied without a basis in an articulated theory on the creation of social capital = The institutional impact of public libraries on social capital has been studied without a basis in an articulated theory on the creation of social capital.Example: The guard (book) catalogue is a book form catalogue with several entries on each page, but each entry inserted by pasting slips on to the stout pages of the book.more:
» alimentos sólidos = solid food .
Example: Babies can be made to develop a taste for fruits and vegetables early if their mothers offer them these foods regularly once they start having solid food.» color sólido = solid colour .
Example: A striped sofa can be a welcome change from basic solid colors.» combustible sólido = solid fuel [Por ejemplo, el carbón] .
Example: Projects eligible for support are the substitution of hydrocarbons (solid fuels, electric power, heat transmission, distribution and storage) and the gasification and liquefaction of solid fuels.» comer alimentos sólidos = eat + solids .
Example: After your baby has started to eat solids, stewed fruit is a healthy snack or meal choice.» con fundamentos sólidos = well-supported .
Example: What will convince your reader best are thoughtful, well-supported arguments.» con una base sólida = well-founded .
Example: No citation order, no matter how well-founded, will prove suitable for every searcher.» cuerpo sólido = solid body .
Example: Contrary to popular belief, falling stars are not stars at all, but are meteors, solid bodies that travel through space = Al contrario de la creencia popular, las estrellas fugaces no son para nada estrellas, sino meteoritos, cuerpos sólidos que viajan por el espacio.» de construcción sólida = solidly-built ; well-built .
Example: The sea swept in across a newly and solidly-built bus stand to come into the river which quickly and conveniently flushed the waters back into the sea. Example: Baskerville had achieved a sharp impression in the 1750s with well-built common presses.» de manera sólida = stoutly .
Example: The volumes are well printed on good paper and stoutly bound.» estado sólido = solid state .
Example: Sometime in the later eighteenth century an ingenious version of stereotyping called dabbing was developed, whereby a pattern of wood or metal was dabbed into the surface of a quantity of type-metal that was half way between its solid and its molten state; the dabbed metal was then used as a matrix for striking a copy of the original in similarly half-molten metal.» física del estado sólido = solid state physics .
Example: Some fields are relatively swift; information and library sciences had a lower mean reference age than solid state physics and mathematics.» hacerse sólido = become + solid .
Example: Pure honey contains more sugar than water (in technical terms honey is a supersaturated solution) and in time will granulate (become solid).» partícula sólida = solid particle .
Example: This solid particles removal device has a lifespan of at least 7 years and is virtually maintenance-free for the first 26,400 h of use.» poco sólido = insubstantial ; unsound .
Example: The spectre that has been raised of reference librarians as the handloom weavers of the library revolution by the turn of the century is as insubstantial as the prediction fifty years ago that the coming of radio meant the death sentence for gramophone records. Example: This argument is unsound because it is invalid, regardless of whether the premises are actually true.» residuos sólidos = solid waste .
Example: The wash-off of solid waste into the drainage systems of urban areas seriously interferes with aquatic life in the receiving streams, rivers, lakes and oceans.» sobre una base sólida = on (a) sure footing ; on (a) firm footing .
Example: In both instances, we immediately advanced them the money they needed to get back on a sure footing. Example: In order to deliver accurate fire on shore targets the amphibian tank must be stationary on a reef, or approach on smooth, firm footing.» sólido como una piedra = rock solid .
Example: The numbers in the ad, which are quite eye-opening, are rock-solid.