Semántica in english
pronunciation: sɪmæntɪks part of speech: noun
pronunciation: sɪmæntɪks part of speech: noun
In gestures
semántica = semantics.
Example: A language interface based on fuzzy set techniques is proposed to handle the uncertainty inherent in natural-language semantics.semántico = semantic ; semantical.
Example: There would be obvious advantages in relating retrieval discussions to semantic issues to prepare for the more complex forms of information systems in the offing.Example: For example, Russell also had a number of concerns that today we might call 'semantical'.more:
» anotación semántica = semantic annotation .
Example: By semantic annotations we refer to linguistic annotations (such as named entities, semantic classes, etc.) as well as user annotations such as microformats, RDF, tags, etc.» demencia semántica = semantic dementia .
Example: Being lost for words is a major frustration for both Alzheimer's and semantic dementia patients.» factorización semántica = semantic factoring [Método por el cual los términos que representan conceptos específicos son postcoordinados] .
Example: The method by which the terms representing specific concepts are post-coordinated is known as semantic factoring.» red semántica = semantic network .
Example: 'Is-a hierarchies' are defined as simplified semantic networks in which only is-a relationships are permitted.» relación semántica = semantic relation [Relación lógica, ontológica o sicológica entre conceptos que un lengua documental puede formalizar] ; semantic relationship .
Example: The relation of logical, ontological or psychological nature between concepts which might be formalized in an indexing language is known as semantic relation. Example: Semantic relationships show aspects of the genus-species relationships and are expected to reflect assumed and widely accepted subject relationships.» similitud semántica = semantic similarity .
Example: This is a method of calculating semantic similarity between sets of index terms, based on the maximal closeness values achieved by each term.» web semántica, la = semantic web, the .
Example: According to Tim Berners-Lee's vision of the semantic web, intelligent agent software will have the ability to understand the meaning (semantics) of the information they are roaming over in order to make the users' searches more inherently meaningful and efficient = De acuerdo a la visión de Tim Berners-Lee de la web semántica, el software de los buscadores tendrá la capacidad de comprender el significado (semántica) de la información que se está consultando con el fin de hacer la búsquedas más intrínsecamente significativa y eficaz para los usuarios.