Selección in english


pronunciation: səlekʃən part of speech: noun
In gestures

selección = recruitment ; selection ; selectivity ; winnowing ; screening ; recruiting ; selective listing ; pick ; sift ; targeting ; vetting ; draft ; choice. 

Example: For 'concept' may be read any relatively elementary term such as Libraries, Staff, Buildings, recruitment, Chemistry.Example: Unfortunately documents which present dilemmas in the selection of author headings are present in even the smallest library collections.Example: These have the advantages of economy, and (if the subscriber desires) selectivity because the records on the proof sheets are divided into broad categories which can be obtained separately.Example: The chairwoman of the board had decided that as part of the screening process those who had successfully survived the initial winnowing should furnish the board with tangible evidence of how they might perform on a specific assignment.Example: Proper screening of job applicants can add to the security of the library without adding significantly to the budget.Example: Successful recruiting of strong faculty requires some drastic shifts in thinking about what librarianship is as a discipline.Example: A selective listing of major business information data bases is provided.Example: The October 2002 issue of CONVERGE magazine lists their picks for the 'Shapers of the Future 2002' -- 'today's leaders and innovators who have dreamed and accomplished mighty things in technology and education'.Example: The method of work agreed was that the chairperson would make a first sift of proposals and divide them into two groups.Example: An analysis of customers in terms of benefits can inform effective segmentation, which in turn can lead to more efficient targeting of resources.Example: Criminal record checks have been an accepted form of pre-employment vetting for those with access to children for some years.Example: Nevada's all-time leading scorer is leaving school to get a head start on the NBA's 2007 draft.Example: The most noticeable effect the advent of Islam had on Arab names was not so much on structure as on choice.


» barra en vídeo inverso de selección en pantallahighlighting bar .

Example: To copy a term from the index to your current query, move the highlighting bar to the term and press <TAB>.

» botón de selecciónradio button .

Example: The questionnaire takes the form of 15 or so radio buttons, one of which has to be checked in order to proceed.

» caer por seleccióndrop [Proceso por el que se seleccionan fichas de un paquete mediante la inserción de una aguja o agujas por las perforaciones que presentan las fichas y que representan materias] .

Example: If the three concepts in our example were distributed along three edges of the cards concerned, then documents on Poetry would be dropped if the pack were needled at the appropiate hole.

» casilla de seleccióncheck box [checkbox] [En informática, cuadrado pequeño que aparece en la pantalla junto a información y que el usuario debe marcar or no para indicar que ha seleccionado o no la información correspondiente] .

Example: The author analyzes some of the components of graphic user interfaces (GUI), applied to CD-ROM databases (windows, dialogue boxes, menus, commands, buttons, check boxes and icons) and remarks on the degree to which these are based on Windows software.

» comité de selecciónscreening panelsearch and screen committee [Grupo de personas encargadas seleccionar a aquellas personas que reúnan las condiciones idóneas para ocupar un puesto de trabajo]search committee [Grupo de personas encargadas seleccionar a aquellas personas que reúnan las condiciones idóneas para ocupar un puesto de trabajo] .

Example: From the 1,400 questions suggested, four hundred were selected by a screening panel of three experts in aeronautical information.

Example: This article examines the ineffectiveness of search and screen committees in hiring for professional positions in academic libraries.

Example: The primary role of any search committee looking for professional academic librarians is to evaluate the applications recieved.

» criterio de selecciónselection criterion .

Example: When the selection criteria are complete, the appropriate copy records in the holdings file are marked to be inventoried.

» de selecciónselecting .

Example: All subject specialists serve in a selecting capacity for their subject areas.

» herramientas para la selecciónselection tools [Todo tipo de publicación utilizado para la identificación de los documentos que van a ser adquiridos por la biblioteca] .

Example: In such a rapidly developing field as online services, the birth and death rate of reference and selection tools is impressive but dismaying to those trying to stay abreast of new titles.

» instrumento de selecciónselection aid .

Example: A questionnaire sought to determine which selection aids were rated as being important and which were seldom used.

» lista de selecciónpick-list .

Example: Sophisticated Boolean operations can be easily constructed using pick-lists.

» procedimiento de selecciónselection proceduresscreening procedure .

Example: The aim of the project is to refine selection procedures and improve the quality of books despatched to Africa.

Example: Perhaps the 2 most important factors in capitalising on opportunities and reducing risks in the acquisition of information companies is the application of a careful screening procedure = Quizás los dos factores más importantes para aprovechar oportunidades y reducir riesgos en la adquisición de empresas dedicadas a la información es la aplicación de un procedimiento cuidadoso de selección.

» proceso de selecciónscreening processselection process .

Example: The chairwoman of the board had decided that as part of the screening process those who had successfully survived the initial winnowing should furnish the board with tangible evidence of how they might perform on a specific assignment.

Example: After various selection processes, the books are sorted into broad general categories and packed into consignments of up to 5,000 books.

» realizar una selecciónundertake + a selection .

Example: A travelling van not only delivers the books to be lent; it also acts as a place where book selection can be undertaken by teachers and in some cases by the children themselves.

» recuadro de seleccióncheck box [checkbox] [En informática, cuadrado pequeño que aparece en la pantalla junto a información y que el usuario debe marcar or no para indicar que ha seleccionado o no la información correspondiente]tick box .

Example: The author analyzes some of the components of graphic user interfaces (GUI), applied to CD-ROM databases (windows, dialogue boxes, menus, commands, buttons, check boxes and icons) and remarks on the degree to which these are based on Windows software.

Example: Click the tick box to confirm that you have the right to upload the selected files = Haga clic en lacasilla para confirmar que tiene permiso para subir los ficheros seleccionados.

» responsable de la selecciónselector .

Example: A modern, complex, information-rich society requires that archivists reexamine their role as selectors.

» restringir una selecciónlimit + a selection .

Example: You may also limit a selection to a specific number of pages using the Pages field.

» selección de documentosdocument selection [Toma de decisiones sobre la adquisición de documentos por compra, intercambio o donación, consultando bibliografías, catálogos, listas de editores y libreros o los propios documentos, et., para lograr un aumento y actualización equilibrados de los fondos de una biblioteca o centro de información y documentación]selection of documents [Operación por la que se decide sobre la adquisición de documentos por compra, intercambio, donación, consulta de bibliografías, catálogos o los mismos documentos para conseguir un equilibrio y actualización de las colecciones de una biblioteca o centro de documentación o información] .

Example: Abstracts are a vital aid in document selection and information gathering, and help to avoid duplication and delay in work in progress.

Example: Selection of documents is the operation of deciding on the acquisition of documents by purchase, exchange or donation, consulting bibliographies, catalogues, publishers' and booksellers' lists or the documents themselves, etc., in order to achieve a balanced increase and up-dating of the collections of a library, or of a documentation and information centre.

» selección de fondosstock selection .

Example: This article describes stock selection, collections, staffing levels and service delivery in Western Australia public libraries.

» selección de la parejamate selection .

Example: Subjects include family and society, family law, family organisations and services, family types and relations, mate selection, sexuality and fertility.

» selección de librosbook selection .

Example: Library duties discussed include book selection and counter work of various types = Las tareas bibliotecarias que se discuten incluyen la selección de libros y el trabajo de mostrador de diversos tipos.

» selección de materialmaterials selection [Acción de buscar y decidir el material que va a ser adquirido por la biblioteca o centro de documentación] .

Example: Many prominent librarians believe that materials selection is the single element of librarianship which gives it credence as a profession.

» selección de personalpersonnel recruitment .

Example: Personnel recruitment is an important part of human resource management and thus a significant means in improving effectiveness.

» selección de productosmerchandise selection .

Example: The author advocates a shakeup in merchandise selection and range management.

» selección de términosextraction of terms [Proceso por el cual los términos de indización se toman del texto que se indiza]term selection .

Example: The entry, change, and extraction of word and phrases from abstracts is described in detail in Chapter 9.

Example: Many of the aspects of the indexing process including, in particular, term selection and search logic have common features.

» selección de textosselected writings .

Example: The article is entitled 'Mules and dragons: popular culture images in the selected writings of African-American and Chinese-American women writers'.

» selección nacionalnational team .

Example: He was both the coach of a national team that never lost a match and a club that never won a title.

» selección naturalnatural selection .

Example: The article 'Scientific journals and natural selection' shows that in any subject field a small concentration of 'core' journals accounts for an overwhelming percentage of usage or citation.

» sistema de selecciónvetting system .

Example: Schneider describes the vetting system she and her colleagues use to determine whether a web site is a trustworthy, reliable source of information.

» ventana de seleccióndialogue box [En informática, ventana que aparece en un programa que utilice un interfaz gráfico para que el usuario seleccione uno o varios elementos] .

Example: The author analyzes some of the components of graphic user interfaces (GUI), applied to CD-ROM databases (windows, dialogue boxes, menus, commands, buttons, check boxes and icons) and remarks on the degree to which these are based on Windows software.

Selección synonyms

extract in spanish: extraer, pronunciation: ekstrækt part of speech: verb excerpt in spanish: extracto, pronunciation: eksɜrpt part of speech: noun pick in spanish: recoger, pronunciation: pɪk part of speech: verb choice in spanish: elección, pronunciation: tʃɔɪs part of speech: noun survival in spanish: supervivencia, pronunciation: sɜrvaɪvəl part of speech: noun natural selection in spanish: seleccion natural, pronunciation: nætʃɜrəlsəlekʃən part of speech: noun survival of the fittest in spanish: supervivencia del más apto, pronunciation: sɜrvaɪvəlʌvðəfɪtəst part of speech: noun
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