pronunciation: blʌdi
part of speech: adjective
sangriento = bloody ; murderous ; internecine ; blood ; gory ; bloodied.
Example: Events such as the bloody confrontation in Tiananmen Square, political campaigns, military conflicts and other such events are becoming everyday occurrences that hourly revise global affairs and exert their influence on local circumstances.Example: This is a collection of articles on the theme: Books for children with murderous, shocking, menacing endings.Example: The result was a growth of internecine competition.Example: In the field of medicine, the task of the Mycin system is to diagnose blood infections and meningities infections, and to recommend an appropriate drug.Example: Nowadays, the gory process of 'blood doping' in athlectics has been replaced by genetic engineering.Example: I want a sword to slit her end to end and then dice her body into small pieces and leave the bloodied, quivering remains on her front lawn.
» de forma sangrienta
= bloodily
Example: He murdered the woman by stabbing her bloodily in the stomach with his violin.
» de manera sangrienta
= bloodily
Example: He murdered the woman by stabbing her bloodily in the stomach with his violin.
» de modo sangriento
= bloodily
Example: He murdered the woman by stabbing her bloodily in the stomach with his violin.
» deporte sangriento
= blood sport
Example: It is regrettable that the nature of barbarity, cruelty in blood sports, vivisection, and other violence against animals is simply described in emotional language and not explored either ethically or socially.
» escena sangrienta
= gore
Example: This new horror genre uses humor in the midst of violent gore & carnage.
» película sangrienta
= splatter film
Example: The author examines the postmodern violent horror movie, the splatter film.
Sangriento synonyms
in spanish: rojo,
pronunciation: red
part of speech: adjective, noun
in spanish: Maldita sea,
pronunciation: dæm
part of speech: adjective, verb, adverb
in spanish: aniquilación mutua,
pronunciation: ɪntɜrnəsin
part of speech: adjective
in spanish: carmesí,
pronunciation: krɪmzən
part of speech: adjective
in spanish: violento,
pronunciation: vaɪələnt
part of speech: adjective
in spanish: sangriento,
pronunciation: gɔri
part of speech: adjective
in spanish: parpadeo,
pronunciation: blɪŋkɪŋ
part of speech: noun
in spanish: asesino,
pronunciation: kʌtθroʊt
part of speech: adjective, noun
in spanish: excesivamente,
pronunciation: bæli
part of speech: noun
in spanish: llameante,
pronunciation: fleɪmɪŋ
part of speech: adjective
in spanish: sanguinario,
pronunciation: sæŋgwɪneri
part of speech: adjective
in spanish: de pura sangre,
pronunciation: blʌdɪd
part of speech: adjective
in spanish: sanguíneo,
pronunciation: sæŋgwinuz
part of speech: adjective
in spanish: asesino,
pronunciation: mɜrdɜrəs
part of speech: adjective
in spanish: sanguinario,
pronunciation: blʌdθɜrsti
part of speech: adjective
in spanish: ensangrentado,
pronunciation: blʌdid
part of speech: adjective
in spanish: ensangrentado,
pronunciation: blʌdsteɪnd
part of speech: adjective
in spanish: estrellarse,
pronunciation: kræʃɪŋ
part of speech: verb
in spanish: homicida,
pronunciation: hɑməsaɪdəl
part of speech: adjective
in spanish: de mente sangrienta,
pronunciation: blʌdimɪndɪd
part of speech: adjective
in spanish: chupasangre,
pronunciation: blʌdsəkɪŋ
part of speech: adjective
in spanish: a todo fuego,
pronunciation: ɔlfaɪɜrd
part of speech: adjective, adverb
in spanish: carnicería,
pronunciation: bʊtʃɜrli
part of speech: adjective
in spanish: sangrante,
pronunciation: slɔtɜrəs
part of speech: adjective
in spanish: lleno de sangre,
pronunciation: blʌdfɪld
part of speech: adjective
mutually ruinous
in spanish: mutuamente ruinoso,
pronunciation: mjutʃuəlɪruənəs
part of speech: adjective