Salobre in english


pronunciation: brækɪʃ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

salobre = brackish ; salty ; saline. 

Example: This journal covers the world's literature on the science, technology and management of marine, brackish, and freshwater environments.Example: Information was also collected on the short-term history of medication and lifestyle including smoking, drinking and eating salty foods.Example: One group received intravenous synthetic human secretin at the first visit, followed by a saline placebo at week 6.


» agua salobresaltwater [salt water]brackish water .

Example: Rubbing food with salt or soaking it in saltwater, an early form of curing food, also helped preserve it.

Example: Crowfoot plants also grow in mildly brackish water, especially around estuaries and less salty inlets where rushes thrive.

Salobre synonyms

salt in spanish: sal, pronunciation: sɔlt part of speech: noun briny in spanish: salado, pronunciation: braɪni part of speech: adjective, noun
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