Saliente in english


pronunciation: aʊtgoʊɪŋ part of speech: adjective
In gestures

saliente1 = hump ; ledge ; bump. 

Example: Indeed it is normally possible to see with a raking light which was the mould side of the sheet, for it shows a pattern of both chain and wire indentations, while the other side (the felt side) is more or less flat, or shows wire humps only.Example: In the semi-arid central plateau, tortoises are commonly preyed upon by raptors, some of which roost on ledges in the backs of small rock shelters.Example: The shouts and the fires grew dimmer behind them as they streaked down the valley at a suicidal pace, rattling and crashing over the bumps.

saliente2 = departing ; outgoing ; outbound ; protruding ; off-going ; protuberant. 

Example: This practice of having the former incumbent of the job train the new employee is risky, particularly if that departing employee has in any way been a problem.Example: IFLA's Professional Board deals with coordinating and planning professional activities and consists of the Chariperson from each of the eight Divisions, plus a Chairperson elected from the outgoing Professional Board by the incoming Professional Board members.Example: PhoneWorks will offer a number of dollar-saving outbound and inbound services for libraries and users alike.Example: The card catalogue requires effective internal guiding such as guide cards (ie with protruding tabs).Example: Shift change reports allow the off-going nurse to communicate with the on-coming nurse about the patient's case.Example: A common condition of childhood that can occasionally cause a protuberant abdomen is constipation.


» ventana en salientebaybay window .

Example: The library building has a V-shaped, pitched oversailing roof, a splayed structure and canted walls with glass bays.

Example: Opened in 1989, the library is housed in a modern building with large bay windows that flood the space with light.

Saliente synonyms

forthcoming in spanish: próximo, pronunciation: fɔrθkʌmɪŋ part of speech: adjective effluent in spanish: efluente, pronunciation: efluənt part of speech: noun sociable in spanish: sociable, pronunciation: soʊʃəbəl part of speech: adjective outward in spanish: hacia fuera, pronunciation: aʊtwɜrd part of speech: adjective extroverted in spanish: extrovertido, pronunciation: ekstrəvɜrtɪd part of speech: adjective outbound in spanish: saliente, pronunciation: aʊtbaʊnd part of speech: adjective extraversive in spanish: extraversivo, pronunciation: ekstrəvɜrsɪv part of speech: adjective outward-bound in spanish: Outward Bound, pronunciation: aʊtwɜrdbaʊnd part of speech: adjective outflowing in spanish: desbordante, pronunciation: aʊtfloʊɪŋ part of speech: adjective extrovertish in spanish: extrovertido, pronunciation: ekstrəvɜrtɪʃ part of speech: adjective extroversive in spanish: extroversivo, pronunciation: ekstrəvɜrsɪv part of speech: adjective
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