Recalcar in english


pronunciation: emfəsaɪz part of speech: verb
In gestures

recalcar = give + emphasis ; re-emphasise [re-emphasize, -USA] ; stress ; underscore ; place + stress ; accentuate ; make + a point of + Gerundio ; reinforce ; re-enforce [reenforce]. 

Example: Some are poorly written giving either too much or too little data, and giving undue emphasis to the author's priorities.Example: To sum it up, ISBD stands in sharp contrast to the ideal of concise and clear entries reemphasized in the first phase of the last revision.Example: However, it must be stressed that these problems are still in the future.Example: All I wanted to underscore with these four horror stories is that the judicious, discretionary assignment of added entries can either powerfully inhibit or promote access to the documents.Example: Bowers has always placed great stress of his opinion that analytical bibliography is a subject which can be pursued as an entirely independent area of study for its own sake.Example: However, future trends may tend to accentuate this division.Example: Reference librarians shouldy make a point of constantly reminding themselves that serving these needs is what they are doing.Example: As information-retrieval software becomes available in more user friendly packages, the trend towards local computerized information-retrieval systems is likely to be reinforced.Example: This interpretation turns Dewey's social critique on its head by re-enforcing the political status-quo.


» no poder dejar de recalcar la importancia de Algocannot + give + too much emphasis + to the importance ofthe importance of + Nombre + cannot be stressed too strongly .

Example: Hence too much emphasis cannot be given to the importance of isolating and articulating the main problem.

Example: The importance of single-source authoritative direction cannot be stressed too strongly = No se puede dejar de recalcar la importancia de una única fuente de autoridad.

» no se puede dejar de recalcar el + Nombre + dethe + Nombre + of + Nombre + cannot be overemphasised .

Example: In this regard, the roles of the school and public libraries as education centres cannot be overemphasised = En este sentido, no se puede dejar de recalcar las funciones de las bibliotecas escolares y públicas como centros de enseñanza.

» no se puede dejar de recalcar el + Nombre + ofthe + Nombre + of + Nombre + cannot be overstated .

Example: The author argues that the capacity of books to change lives and to civilize readers cannot be overstated = El autor sostiene la opinión de que no se puede dejar de recalcar la capacidad de los libros para cambiar la vida de las personas y civilizar a los lectores.

» no se puede dejar de recalcar la importancia de Algothe importance of + Nombre + cannot be overemphasisedthe importance of + Nombre + cannot be overstressedthe importance of + Nombre + cannot be overstated .

Example: The importance of establishing these detailed policies cannot be overemphasized = No se puede dejar de recalcar la importancia de establecer estas normas de funcionamiento detalladas.

Example: The importance of making regular back-ups of data cannot be overstressed = No se puede dejar de recalcar la importancia de hacer copias de seguridad de la información periódicas.

Example: The importance of good direction and leadership cannot be overstated = No se puede dejar de recalcar la importancia de una buena dirección y un buen liderazgo.

» recalcar la importancia destress + the importance of .

Example: George Cunha stressed the importance of having a written disaster plan ahead of time and that replacement was generally cheaper than recovery.

» recalcar la necesidadstress + the need .

Example: This article considers the consequences of electronic ordering and stresses the need to strive for decreased costs and the services and systems that are really necessary.

» recalcar lo que Uno quiere decirdrive + home + Posesivo + point .

Example: When President Ford was telling New York City to drop dead last month, he evoked a vision of the city as a wayward family to drive home his point.

» recalcar una ideahammer + a point .

Example: To hammer the point again, this is only true when we are reading thoughtfully.

Recalcar synonyms

stress in spanish: estrés, pronunciation: stres part of speech: noun accent in spanish: acento, pronunciation: əksent part of speech: noun accentuate in spanish: acentuar, pronunciation: æksentʃueɪt part of speech: verb underscore in spanish: guion bajo, pronunciation: əndɜrskɔr part of speech: verb set off in spanish: partir, pronunciation: setɔf part of speech: verb punctuate in spanish: puntuar, pronunciation: pʌŋktʃueɪt part of speech: verb underline in spanish: subrayar, pronunciation: ʌndɜrlaɪn part of speech: verb bring out in spanish: sacar, pronunciation: brɪŋaʊt part of speech: verb
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