Ramal in english


pronunciation: bræntʃ part of speech: noun
In gestures

ramal = strand. 

Example: Crests were originally worn on the helmet during tournaments; they consisted of a panache of feathers attached to a wreath made of twisted strands, which was itself attached to the helmet by means of laces or rivets.


» ramal de ferrocarrilbranch-line .

Example: Following in the footsteps of Beeching's axe which put paid to the branch-line era of the railways, many rural bus routes have now been threatened by rising petrol costs.

Ramal synonyms

offset in spanish: compensar, pronunciation: ɔfset part of speech: verb separate in spanish: separar, pronunciation: sepɜreɪt part of speech: adjective, verb arm in spanish: brazo, pronunciation: ɑrm part of speech: noun leg in spanish: pierna, pronunciation: leg part of speech: noun fork in spanish: tenedor, pronunciation: fɔrk part of speech: noun ramify in spanish: ramificarse, pronunciation: ræməfaɪ part of speech: verb offshoot in spanish: vástago, pronunciation: ɔfʃut part of speech: noun subdivision in spanish: subdivisión, pronunciation: sʌbdɪvɪʒən part of speech: noun outgrowth in spanish: excrecencia, pronunciation: aʊtgroʊθ part of speech: noun
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