Rallar in english


pronunciation: greɪt part of speech: noun
In gestures

rallar = shred ; grate. 

Example: If they do muster up the courage to participate, they have learned what it is like to lose: they describe it as being 'slaughtered,' 'blown away,' or 'shredded'.Example: If your recipe calls for grated cheese, use cheese that has a firm texture since it is the only kind suitable for grating.

Rallar synonyms

grind in spanish: moler, pronunciation: graɪnd part of speech: verb, noun fret in spanish: traste, pronunciation: fret part of speech: verb, noun scrape in spanish: raspar, pronunciation: skreɪp part of speech: verb, noun rankle in spanish: amargar la vida, pronunciation: ræŋkəl part of speech: verb grating in spanish: rejilla, pronunciation: greɪtɪŋ part of speech: noun eat into in spanish: comer en, pronunciation: itɪntu part of speech: verb
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